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She was sick?

There wasn't any other explanation for the red aura on her torso. It only appeared on those who were ill or passing. And most people who are passing wouldn't be healthy and walking around.

"Hey Ivy?" I called out to her as she turned to leave the kitchen.

She yawned and looked back at me.

"Never mind. Go nap. I'll take care of this." I smiled and she nodded.

She stumbled a little as she made her way to the stairs. Maybe She had been drinking? Although we could never tell that by auras or anything internal. Just the physical signs like stumbling or slurring.

"Hey, be careful with the brown bag, there are eggs in there." Ivy called from the stairs, which startled me. I dropped the brown bag on the floor and heard the cracking of eggs.

"Oh yeah, will do.Go rest." I called uneasily.

What can i do to help her? I suppose getting eggs is a good start.


"He is such an idiot!" I yelled and dropped my head into my warm hands.

Grimm knows he should have never helped Paimon onto Earth. All hell is going to be set loose. Literally.

"Gabriel, tell me, What do you get when you take a demon with a dishonorable reputation and add said demon to a peaceful planet with mortals?" I peaked up at my angel through my hands.

"Well, Sir, Probably chaos?" Gabriel sat straighter and watched me.

"Chaos?"I rubbed my beard covered chin,"Yeah alright. That's the best way to describe it."

I sat back in my chair and sighed.

"Nothing has happened yet sir. Well, nothing unusual." Gabriel handed me a screen with a world wide map. There were dots and pulsing lines everywhere. It just meant the earth was healthy and Everything is running properly.

"Keep an eye on it. Anything that seems like Paimon's doing, Alert me immediately."
I curled into a ball on the bathroom floor. My whole body felt tight. Dialysis did that. I'm just glad there isn't blood this time.

It also made you tired. I felt like I was going to pass out any minute, but the cramping in my muscles kept me up.

A creak sounded from the bathroom door, startling me.

"Ivy, what the hell are you doing on the floor?" Paimon cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Why are you in the bathroom?" I thought demons and devils didn't have to use them.

"I have to piss. Coffee went straight to my bladder." He said in a sarcastic tone.

Obviously mocking me.

"I wanted to wash my hands and the soap in the kitchen is empty." He shrugged.

"Oh. I'll get some tomorrow." I yawned and shifted to my back which hurt like a bitch.

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