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I was slowly following behind Athena as she bounced down the trail, excitement flowing through her.

"Athena?" I cautiously called.

"Yes Paimon?" She replied without turning around.

"We have one stop to make before heading to the palace." I scratched my neck in stress.

This could either go really really well or really really bad.

Bad meaning I'd lose my head and their would be a war in the Athens.

Good meaning I keep my head but still a possible war.

"Oh?" Athena finally stopped and faced me.

"We need to go get Ares too." I flinched like a scared little boy.

"Okay." She smiled and walked past me, back up the mountain.

"Okay?" I repeated.

Was this really Athena?

"Yep." She nodded and went back to humming.

Okay. Maybe this would work out.

I followed Athena all the way up the mountain and to the front door of Ares' cave.

She didn't hesitate to bang on the wooden door.

"Ares! Open up sunshine!" Athena sang.

Would it be too late to run? No probably not.

"Yooohooo!" Athena continue to bang on the door until it was suddenly opened.

"Athena, I told you next time I saw you, I'd have your head." Ares' very large figure filled the doorway.

"Don't care! Persephone is home!" She squealed.

"She is?" Ares stepped out of the doorway and looked around until his red eyes landed on me.

"Who the fuck are you?" He stomped towards me.

"I'm Paimon. I'm from Hell. May know me as the man with the ca-"

"What are you doing up here?" Ares cut me off.

"I came to get you and your sister. We need help." My voice was surprisingly deep and I sounded confident.

Wonder where the hell that came from.

"Of course. Lucifer only bothers to speak to us when he needs something. Tell him to get aids." Ares smiled and retreated back to his cave.

"Not Lucifer. The man with a white beard and a muffin top?" I cocked an eyebrow at the back of his head.

"God? Why are you talking to him?" Ares and Athena shared a look of confusion.

"I'm friends," I coughed,"with Persephone. So is Thanatos." I shrugged.

"And Thanatos is friends with god who is friends with Zeus?" Athena prompted.

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