Chapter 5

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This chapter and future chapters may not be coherent with previous chapters. Please check my board for updates and when edited versions come out. (You should probably give a follow for that ;) hehe)

Sitting in a pool of anxiety, I almost didn't notice Eli taking a seat beside me. He begins to help  himself to a chunk of pineapple from my plate,
"what's up your coochie girl?"

Sighing, I take a bite of my blueberry crepe and sink into my chair. "I'm just confused. I think I'm doing something wrong."

He looks at me questioningly, while slowly removing another chunk of pineapple from my plate (as if the 'if I'm slow enough, she won't see me' method really works). "Please tell me you didn't stick something up his ass? Cause girl, straight men don't like that shit. Although it's probably because they're afraid they'll like it."

I can't help but chuckle. I wonder if that's true. Only one way to find out I suppose... although Knox... Alpha Knox doesn't seem like the type of man to do something like that willingly. And it's not a type of thing to be forced upon.
"That's not exactly it," I pause to take a quick breath, "what do you think a reason may be for being sexual with someone but not kissing them on the lips."

Eli licked the pineapple residue off his fingers, humming in thought. "Maybe he's had his heart broken and doesn't want to risk being intimate in the way he's been in the past because he blames those actions to be the reason for what happened."

Woah...that's a very serious answer.
But it sounds possible. Maybe that's why he's so dominate... maybe he lost someone who was really important, someone that he loved...

I ponder on that thought for a moment before my anxiety starts to set in again.

What if he has had sex with another girl... what if I'm not good enough?

Brain. Stop it. You're digging yourself into a hole you won't be able to get out of if you continue! Just... turn off you stupid brain!

"Or maybe he's just a bad kisser." Eli went on, "Or he's afraid of his breath being rank."

After I finished up my food, while listening to many possibilities from Eli as to why Alpha Knox won't kiss me but will do sexual things instead, we decided to go into the lounge and play a round of Just Dance.
Nothing helps ease the mind like some foolish dancing and laughing at said 'foolish dancing.'

One round quickly became two because Eli was butt hurt that I beat him.
"I can't help it, I'm just the Beyonce of this game Eli." I laughed, dancing with Eli besides me.

"Oh no you aren't honey," he protested,  "in the words of Michael Scott, 'I am Beyoncé always!" He says in a serious tone, causing me to laugh.

"You are not, you're the dollar store version of-" I started, but got cut off by an all too familiar scent and voice that just enveloped the room.

"Ready baby?"

Its him. He's back already from the meeting.

Eli turned to me and smiled, "baby? Ooooh!"

I quickly murmured a soft 'yeah', running away from Eli and his cooing. Only to hear him shout, "I guess I'll see you later BABY!"

"He really is gay..." Knox laughed as we stepped outside.

"Yeah, he's pretty great. He gives great boy advice." I smile, thinking about Eli and I's earlier conversation.

A low growl escapes his throat as he pushes me against the brick wall of the pack house. "What the fuck do you mean? Advice about who?"

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