Chapter 6

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Entering the gorgeous pack house, my nose picks up on the scent of snickerdoodles. The sweet smell of the cinnamon sugar cookies instantly warm my soul.
That was the cookie they had for lunch on the last day of school. The day I first met Knox, making it my new favorite cookie.

"She's in the kitchen." He said, dragging me after him. I laugh behind him as he makes me follow, which he clearly isn't aware that since my legs are so much shorter, I'm running while he takes simple strides.

The glossy floors appear slick, but were the opposite. Considering I had to take giant leaps to match Knox's relaxed pace, it's a good thing the floor isn't as slippery as it appears otherwise I'd easily fall on my rear end.

I suppose it's a good thing I have heightened senses, hearing, smell and so forth. Because of this, I can smell fourteen other wolves in the house, both male and female.

I feel my wolf Artistin scratch and itch inside of me, dying to get out for a run. Maybe Knox will take home with him on a run later, show me the territory and what it has to offer.
I stop walking, Knox taking an immediate notice and cupped my face in his hands. "Baby, are you okay? What's wrong? Is there pain?" He said with urgences in his voice as he scanned over my body.

"I-it's nothing Knox, I just need to let Artistin out. I need to run." I sigh, scratching at my itchy skin.

The longer a wolf goes with it shifting, without running, the itchier one's skin becomes. It can even burn, like hot oil is being poured on one's self. It's definitely suggested to shift and run at least twice a week. Preferably three.

He places a kiss on my nose, then one on my forehead, which somehow immediately stopped the itching. "I'm glad I know her name. It's beautiful." Artistin howls in amusement at Knox's compliment, "don't worry baby, we will go on a run tonight and I'll show you the treehouse."

Feeling as if my eyes are going to pop out of my head from the excitement, I shut my eyes and shake my head in order to stop myself from blurting an incoherent set of words. "The treehouse? You have a treehouse?"

Knox nods his head with a bright grin. "Yeah, I've been wanting to take you there for a while. Since I laid my eyes on you when I was eighteen."
He places a small kiss on my cheek as he takes my hand in his once again and leads me to the kitchen.

"I'm a buff baby that can dance like a man, I can shake-ah my fanny, I can shake-ah my can! I'm a tough tooti- AHHHH!"

"Fuckin' hell Lenny!" Knox shouts as we entered kitchen and made way to the large island. "Didn't mean to scare you but damn, no need to scream."

A tall girl with sunny blonde hair in space buns and a Christmas apron, sets down a tray of snickerdoodles before wiping her hands on her apron.
"Sorry?" She questioned.

When she finally looks up at us, a huge smile appears on her face. "Shut up!" She screamed.

Knox shook his head in annoyance, "I didn't say anything."

The blonde, who I know now is Lenny... that's what Knox said earlier, threw her hands in her face and squealed. "Is this her? Is this our Luna?"

Knox nodded, and was about to open his mouth to reply but was caught off by Lenny's screaming as she pulled me into a bear hug.
"It's SO nice to finally meet you! Knox wouldn't shut the hell up about you since he met you and would watch over you like a stalker." She beamed with joy.

Okay hold the hell up.
1. Luna? Knox and I hadn't spoken much about this. Some packs treat their Luna like shit. I don't want that.
I need to ensure what my responsibilities will be before I make this Luna thing official.

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