Chapter 26

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Eating one too many pieces of fudge... or eleven pieces, not including the one i shoved in my mouth last minute, I helped my mom with her hair in hopes to cover the bump that was a sight for sore eyes.
She wanted to invite my dad over for dinner, which Knox said would be a lovely idea. I on the other hand, worry about how well I'll be able to sleep tonight knowing my parents will be sleeping only a few doors down.

Oh goddess... I hope they actually sleep...

Softly applying a fondation to my moms face, I decided it would be fun to give her a make over.
I kept it soft and supple, but added a natural pair of false eyelashes to help her feel like her inner glamorous self that I knew was there.

No matter how hard she tried to compress her girly side and worked so hard to show the strong courageous women and Luna side of her, I knew that deep down she wanted to feel like a princess.

I love my father, but I don't agree with everything he's done.
He was twenty five when he met my mom, she was fifteen... it was no longer than two weeks until she was pregnant with my eldest brother Anderson.

She never got to be a young teenager, or got to live on the wild side and let her hair flow. She became Luna before she learned to drive... I just don't want her to miss out on feeling like a princess.
Or a queen considering I'm her daughter.

But whatever... point proven.

"Rose bud," my mom gasped, "I feel so... s-so beautiful!" She cried out, tears forming in her eyes as she cupped her face while looking at her reflection.

"You should! You're already beautiful momma, I just wanted you to feel and see yourself how the rest of us see you without the makeup and with it." I smiled, placing a kiss on her cheek as I gave her a soft side hug.

As silly as it may be, it hurts seeing her cry and be this emotional.
I've never seen her shed a tear, not even at her twin sisters funeral. My aunt, though I never met her, I sobbed over the fact that others were crying and that she looked spooky to me as a little girl.

A short while had passed, along with my mother and I's sweet endearing moment together. She had made her mind up on taking a little walk with some of the women in the pack in hopes to 'ensure that I'll be at home here,'but I think she just wants to hear some gossip or tea as Eli would put it.

Waltzing back to my room, I let out a squeal of excitement as Knox pulled me by the hips and had me follow him into one of the bathrooms behind us.
"Fuck, I felt like I was waiting a million years for her to leave darling." He breathed out, placing his hot lips on my neck.

Immediately, my hands gripped onto his chest and tugged lightly on his shirt, hoping that I could steady myself even though my legs have gone completely weak.

"W-What are you doing?" I giggled, moaning a soft airy moan as he nibbled at my hot flesh.

He growled a hot sexy growl, his dark eyes undressing me, "I'm going to finish what was interrupted. Unless you have a problem with that?" He questioned, dipping his hand down beneath the fabric of my clothes and against my burning heat.

Shaking my head no, I cried out as he shoved not one, but two of his cold fingers inside of me. I fisted his shirt so tightly I was afraid it would rip off his body.

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