Part 4 (the forest)

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Several days has passed and I haven't been talking to Mark let alone Jaemin for a while. I think it's best if I keep it that way since it's going to be a lot awkward, especially after what happened at their dorm. Today is our training camp and we will be training in an actual summer camp for a week. Yuna has been so excited about it and hasn't talked about anything else since then. It does seem nice to be back at the more quiet side of the Seoul since I'm not used to the whole big city yet. I sit down under the bunk bed and Yuna is going to sleep above me. "This is going to be so exciting!!" Yuna said while laying on her back. "We are going to have so much fun right unnie?!" I smile at her excitement and said "yeah, it's nice to be out here." Two days has passed and we all are outside getting lessons by a trainer. Apparently we are learning about health and dieting which I mean is a part of being an idol so I'm not complaining. After the teacher finished talking, we all start to plant our own vegetables. Then two girls walks over to me and I can tell that they aren't really what I would call "nice people." I look at them and one of the girls said "hey Ryujin, teacher is calling for you." she points at the forest and I ask "why would she be in the forest?" The other girl then said "she was talking about something that could help your plant since it's not doing well." And she was right. My plant was looking pretty dull so I just nodded quietly and walked inside the forest. "Teacher! Teacher!! Where is she?" I asked myself while walking further and further away from the other kids. Suddenly it got really dark and I started freezing. "oh no, I think I'm lost.." I thought to myself. I grab my phone out of my pocket and it's dead.. great, just the perfect timing.. I then trip over something that made me fall down on the dirty mud. I look down to see my left shoe ripped apart. It got stuck to a sharp branch. oh my god, how am I supposed to walk like this? I sigh before I take of my left shoe and continue to walk. At this point I'm just trying to find my way back to the camp safely. I then hear howling and that's when my body stops moving. what do I do now?! Someone please help me.. I sit down and hug my legs while burying my face in my arms. Please let this just be a bad dream. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and I freak out. I scream as loud as I can while punching the person on the stomach and I hear a grunt. I look up to see Jaemin in pain. Oh- wait why is he here? "Are you crazy-? ow!" He manage to say while kneeling down in pain. "Oh I'm so sorry!" I said while trying to place my hand on his stomach. "Why are you here?" I ask and he looks at me in disbelief. "Why do you think I'm here? I was out here looking for you." He said. I look surprised at him. Why would he do that? Wasn't he mad at me?
Then it started pouring down and he quickly takes my hand and runs. But he quickly stops when he realizes that I'm in pain. We look down on my feet and sees that I only have one shoe on while the other one is in my hand. He sighs before he pats his back signaling that he will carry me. I hesitated before I decide to just do it. Wow, this is just like 10 years ago.. Something tells me that I didn't loose my best friend.. just the thought of it makes me smile.
we get inside an abandoned treehouse and he sits me down on the wooden floor. He then gives me his jacket and wraps it around me. "Here, this better help." He said trying to warm me up. I just quietly admire him. He really hasn't changed.. we get eye contact and I quickly look away. "What? Am I that good looking?" He chuckles. He sits down besides me and I ask him "who is your girlfriend?" As soon as I hear myself say that I awkwardly said "no it's not that I'm interested in you or anything I-" he interrupts me by saying "it's fine, I just- I don't exactly remember who she was.. after my brain surgery I just lost a lot of memories and I guess her identity is what I forgot as well.." I look at him in shock. Brain surgery? What brain surgery is he talking about? He looks at me and I guess he read my mind. "I know it sounds weird but I actually used to live in a small town before I moved here to Seoul.. The reason why I had to move out was because I was really ill as a kid. I needed treatment and the only place we could think about was Seoul." I keep listening to his story while he unintentionally explains everything. "After the surgery, I forgot everything.. even my own parents. I never knew that I used to live somewhere else and that I had a girlfriend.. When I found that shoe in my room, my grandma told me that it was from a special someone in my life and that I need to keep holding on to it, so I did. I guess I just assume that it was from someone I must've loved dearly."
So that is why he is so protective about my shoe..
But how could he possibly have feelings for me when he treated me as his little sister. I then ask "but have you always been this cold towards people?" He shrugs. "I really don't know. Maybe I got just so frustrated about not remember anything that I blamed it on other people.." I then whisper "do you really not remember me?" He just looks at me confused. As if he does but he is not sure if it's actually me. Then the door breaks open and we see Mark and the police. "Ryujin!" Mark yelled while hugging me. I take a step back and pat his back. "Where have you been?!" He yelled in concern checking if I hurt myself until he sees that I'm only wearing one shoe. Mark then carries me on his back and walks over to the camp again. I get back and the staff asks me where I was. I told them about what happened and the two girls were actually lying. The teacher never asked to talk to me neither was she in the forest. I get inside my room and Yuna warms up vegetable porridge for me. "Eat this, it'll help." She said while stirring up my porridge with a spoon. "Thank you Yuna.." I said before I take a spoonful porridge. "We were all so worried about you! Especially Mark and Jaemin!" She proceeds to say. Huh? Mark and Jaemin? She reads my expression and nods. "Yeah, they even ended up arguing."

*Flashback to when people noticed that Ryujin was gone*

"Has anyone seen Ryujin?" The trainer asked. Everyone looks around and noticed that Ryujin wasn't with them. Suddenly a trainee said
"I think I saw her running towards the forest miss!"
"What?! Didn't I say that no one is allowed inside the forest?!" The trainer starts panicking and tells everyone to calm down. Jaemin on the other hand did not feel calm at all.  Something inside him wanted to go and find Ryujin but he didn't understand why. Jaemin then starts running towards the forest but Mark stops him. "What the hell are you doing?!" He asked in annoyance.
"That's none of your business." Jaemin answered pushing Mark's hand away from his shoulder. Mark wanted to help Ryujin but he knew that if he went in the forest to look for her, both of them would just not be able to find their way back. But Jaemin didn't care, he just did whatever his body made him do. He didn't understand why he felt the urge to help her but nothing less, he did anyways.

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