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it had been two days since tiko took over Magnus' mind using him as a puppet and In those two days, Dan was worried.

it didn't take long for the awesome one's and all the help they could get from Benton and Philomena to solve the problem though.

they traveled to vestroia, managed to save the affected corecell by battling and it all went down to this.

the two boys, Magnus and Dan, were inside of the once affected corecell. the skies of vestroia were finally clear and the v-virus no longer seemed to be a threat however with all this good news: Magnus and nillious still didnt seem too good.

Dan walked up to the taller boy. he was on his knees, grabbing at the floor muttering to himself and once the other was in front of him, his words seemed to be more clear.

"we lost, I can't believe it...." Magnus picked up his defeated bakugan looking down at it in his hands. "t-tiko... wouldn't like this.."

"it's over," Dan said reaching his hand out. "It's time for you to come back Magnus."

"no!" magnus slapped the other's hand away and crawled backward holding nillious close. "It's not over! the earth and vestroia belong to t-tiko... everything belongs to tiko!" he yelled.

Dan angrily stared down at the brainwashed magnus until a gate to the maze opened above causing him to gasp. Magnus would have successfully made it up if it wasn't for Dan tackling him to the ground.

Magnus groaned at the impact, he felt the other's hands wrap around his waist keeping him down as he struggled against his hold.

"snap out of it Magnus this isn't you!" Dan pleaded. he wanted his Magnus back more than anything in the world right now. the mysterious Magnus Black he secretly looked up to.

his desprete pleads fell under deaf ears however as magnus' hands grab at Dan's shoulders to try and pry him off but to no avail as dan pushed all his body weight on him keeping him down as he sat on his legs.

"get off me! I'll crush you I'll... I'll..!"

the darkus brawler's threats were to be left hanging in the air though, ignored by Dan kouzo as his hands instead reach for Magnus' hands and pin his wrists over his head.

the red streaked boy looked down at the older struggling teen in his hold. he looks at him in curiosity as his head forms a plan knowing how to get him back.

it'd be risky. but dan had to get through with it if he wanted Magnus- his Magnus- back.

Magnus stopped his futile attempts in escaping to look up at dan for a moment. his red eyes showing off pure anger and hatred.

"what are you doing Dan kouzo?! I'll rip you to pieces if you don't get off me ri-!"

Magnus didn't even finish what would become a threatening sentence before Dan got to his plan. the younger goes down and brings their lips together into a kiss causing the other to widen his eyes as Dan's are left closed.

Magnus only struggles for a brief moment before the virus controlling him leaves him making his once dark eyes back to the radiating violet and his tense expression goes down to a more relaxed one as he too closed his eyes drawing himself into the affection and even kissing Dan back.

Magnus relaxing against his touch prompted Dan to let him go. he pulled away smiling down at the older who only looked back amazed at what he was given.

but that would only last a brief minute before Magnus pushed Dan off him and was back on his feet scolding him.

"what the hell was that Dan kouzo?!" Magnus angrily yelled glaring down at the younger who groaned and rubbed his head as he sat up "what gave you the right to kiss me?!"

"You were being controlled Magnus!" dan said back. "I couldn't think of any other way to save you so i-"

"you're sick, Dan!" a flustered Magnus yelled cutting off the other's sentence.

instead of being saddened by this or feeling guilt, it was easy to say Dan had no regrets. he smiled up at Magnus who kept that flustered face of his.

"maybe i am." dan chuckled standing back up and getting in front of magnus. "but don't lie to me magnus, you liked that."

magnus' cheeks go red, as if they already weren't and he tries his best to deny it making his hands ball up to fists. "n-no i didn't! it was disgusting dan. what is your problem!" of course his denial only sounded like pure lies.

dan chuckled and grabbed magnus' face into his own hands. "it's good to have you back magnus black!"


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