- soulmates

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When people die, they get evaluated on a point system to determine whether they should go to The Good Place or The Bad Place. Every second of their life on earth says about a person. For every good thing they've done; it just bumps up their chance of being sent to paradise for the entirety of their afterlife.

The Good Place was where all the good people were sent, it was the heaven everyone thought existed. And the bad place was where all the sinners were sent to be tortured forever. With all the good things The Good Place had to offer, another quality made it grand.

After one died, the perfect match system paired one up with their true soulmate. It was never wrong and certain things made people match together.

Dan kouzo had died young, he was just 15 to be exact but at least he left earth doing what he loved. Being a typically good person, he was sent to The Good Place and upon opening his eyes, he was told his place.

The Good Place was more seen as a small town built with the wonders of earth. Houses based on what a person liked were in rows on a distant hill, and in the main centre; there were stores and lovely coffee shops.

Of course, the creator of the universe was in The Good Place and seen as a god around the place. but he looked like an average man going by The Creator.

"Now Dan kouzo, you were a hero." The creator said once taking dan to his dream home in heaven. It was a giant mansion that looked more like a teenage hangout, but dan loved it. It was his dream home come true.

"Yeah, i did some pretty cool stuff i guess." Dan shrugged looking out his window and seeing couples pass. He was a bakugan brawler down in earth and he did save the world many times along with his friends but it was no biggie.

"Some cool stuff? Daniel, you saved earth from tiko's mal-doing!" He exclaimed. "If it wasn't for you, everyone down there would of been a goner."

"Yeah, i did do that." Dan chuckled remembering how cool drago's maximus evolution was. Good memories like those were suppressed in Kouzo's mind making him sigh deeply.

"Whats the matter dan?"

"Look, all this is really cool but im really gonna miss earth." He answered now looking at the literal being that made the world and everything else. "Drago and all my friends are down there, why did i have to die?"

"Oh dan," the man sighed and walked over to the younger placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort. "i know it's sad but think of it this way, all things happen for a reason and plus you won't be here alone. Your soulmate's here."

"M-my soulmate?" The idea wasn't foreign to daniel, he knew about the concept of one's true love or whatever- but he never knew if he should believe in that stuff. But then again, He was always unsure of there being an afterlife yet there he was standing in heaven's true form. "Those are real?! Sick, where is she?"

"Um.. Its more of a he." The creator nervously chuckled. "Were you expecting a girl?"

"No no, it's fine i mean if the system said so-"

"Very well then!" The man old as time turns to the door. "You may come in now, magnus."

That name hit him like a wiplash. "Magnus? Hang on you don't mean-"

Before dan could recollect his thoughts, a raven haired boy walks in and it was the one that came to mind as soon as his name was spoken. There was no way the magnus black was his soulmate, the very same magnus black that battled him to no end. There had to be some kind of mistake. There was no forking way that guy was the one dan had to spend all eternity with!

"Dan?" Magnus was just as shocked as Daniel. he expressed that when he looked at The Creator with that same shocked look. "There's no way he's my soulmate! I mean, this has to be some kind of mistake! I can't be-"

"Ah but it isn't," the creator smiles bringing both boys into a sidehug with each arm. "The system never fails, you two were always meant to be from the start. You know eachother well and although you shared some kind of strange rivalry down on earth, the system says that brought your souls closer and closer. And to top it all off, you both died on the same day. Perfect match."

"No! No no no i can't accept that!" Magnus stomps getting out from the creators hold. "I'm not spending the rest of my afterlife with someone i see as an annoyance. If this is heaven, why does this sound like torture?"

"How do you think i feel huh, magnus?" Dan stomps back getting closer to him. "You're always complaining about the stupidist things, you're like a little whiney girl!"

"And you're such an annoying child sometimes i can't tell if you're 15 or 11."

"We're bringing age into the matter now? Are you 17 or a grumpy 40 year old?"

Before things escalated, the creator slightly chuckles and pats both their shoulders. "Such a lovely couple." He said before exiting to greet all the other newcomers.

Dan and magnus were both left in their dream home with crossed arms looking away from eachother, annoyed.

After some time though dan sighed deeply to calm himself down noticing how immature this all really was. "I don't understand why we get ourselves into these arguments, i mean we're in heaven, not hell."

Magnus quietly sighed as well. "I guess." He mumbled.

"I'm not mad we're soulmates anyway," dan said. "I mean, at least it's someone i know and not just some girl."

Magnus didn't answer, he just kept his gaze away avoiding eye contact with the other.

Dan furrowed his brows sadly. "You don't like me much, right magnus?"

"It's not that i don't like you dan kouzo." Magnus said still staring at the ground. "It's just.. I don't think i deserve you."

"Wh-" that responce wasn't something dan expected. "What do you mean?"

"I treated you so poorly when we were still alive and now we're paired up like we're meant to be? It just doesn't make any sense."

"It really doesn't but i guess we just have to learn to accept it." Dan shrugged poking his arm and making the taller boy giggle. "Whats the worse that can happen? A little arguments here and there? We're in the Good Place magnus, it's not the end of the world."

the words spoken by the other reassured magnus bringing a smile to his lips. "You know dan, you're not as bad as i made you out to be. I always had some kind of admiration for you."

"I always sorta looked up on you too magnus." Dan said. "You brawled with a purpose and that's a quality of yours i always found great. Half the time i was only doing it because i had nothing else to do."

Putting an arm around his supposed 'soulmate' magnus brings him close and says "clearly the system is flawed, we may not be soulmates but the least we can do is learn to tolerate eachother."

Dan liked that idea, "ok, let's do that."

The two may have thought this would never work but like The Creator said, the system never lies and eventually dan and magnus would come to realize they were meant for eachother from the start.


//This entire oneshot was just one big reference

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