- pick up lines

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Magnus was 19 years old living in an apartment all by himself and even at such an age , the boy hated social confrontation.

The black haired male was a little awkward when it came to getting outside his home. He preferred staying indoors and being alone than going out and meeting new people unless he really had to. He didn't have many connections when it came to people he considered friends but even then, he was okay with that. Adding onto the means of being a loner, magnus worked from home just making his life a little bit easier.

However one day, magnus black made an exception that lead him to going outside. What a surprise!

It was the weekend and the boy found himself in a bit of a situation. With his hand on the fridge door having it wide open, the sight of it empty did shock him. He was hungry and with no food what could he do?

He shut the door, the cold breeze the the refrigerator produced along side with it and he began scowering his many options of what to do to fix his dilemma. He could order a pizza however he wasn't really craving that, he could phone his sister to pick up some food for him but she was out with her friends that day.

There were many means of him to get food delivered to his door such as application services but being the picky antisocial he was he didn't really trust them. so, mustering up the courage he didn't even know he had, Magnus concludes a trip down to the grocery store was his best option.

It was only across the street anyway and he could get there by foot no problem.

So it was settled, grocery shopping it was. Magnus slipped on his coat and grabbed his wallet before heading out for the first time in weeks. It took a couple blocks but once magnus was there he was greeted by a friendly cashier who he extanged a quiet "hi" with as he grabbed his shopping basket.

Magnus didn't need much to survive. Just the essentials with a few snacks here and there it took him a while to notice but a group of three teenagers always seemed to be in the aisle where he was and every time he'd turn to them they'd look away giggling like a bunch of girls(it didn't help that one of them was a girl!). He couldn't just tell them off either having no courage or the heart of a chicken to even confront them.

A situation like this one didn't favor magnus in any way. If anything it only made him more anxious than he's ever been, his mind filling up with the worst scenerios on a couple kids who were clearly just messing around.

Magnus walked to the cereals and they followed at a far distance leaving the older with a fogged up head of negative thoughts.

'what if they're after me? Are they murderers? Will they kill me once i loose track of them? They're probably whispering bad things about me behind my back.. It's the coat isn't it? I knew i should have picked the grey one! Or maybe they think I'm fat because of all the cheetos in my basket!' were the many thoughts Magnus had.

After staying in place for too long just staring at a box of coco puffs, Magnus hears footsteps aproaching him. He clenches his hands preparing for a small kid to insult him to his grave. Oh god.. Here it comes...

"hey buddy," a voice sternly says behind him forcing magnus to turn and meet eyes with a slightly shorter boy, messy brown hair with a red streak who wore a red button up amd ripped jeans.

"Y-yeah..?" magnus weakly forced out. He could see his three other friends behind him in the distance smiling wide probably secretly making fun of him for being so pathetic.

"My phone's broken," he said pulling it out. "It doesn't have your number on it."

Magnus was confused. This wasn't what he expected. Quite frankly, he didn't know what he meant.

"W-what?" was all he could say.

"Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see!"

"I'm not-"

"If you were a Transformer... you'd be Optimus Fine."

Magnus was starting to get it. The boy was hitting on him with probably the worst tactics in pick up history. "Wait a mi-"

"I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together.." the boy said with a wink prompting his friends behind him to loose it.

"Okay mr funny man, i got one for you too..." magnus tried thinking of a good one on top of his head but such an interaction proved to be difficult for him but he tried his best to spit it out. "Are you french... because... Because Eiffel for you..?"

"Ooh nice, good one!" the other said with a clap. "I haven't heard that one before! Where'd you find it?"

"Um... I dunno."

"Well i like it," he giggled and patted magnus' shoulder. "It's rare someone actually fires one back at me, usually it's one-sided."

"Yeah, they always tell him off in some.. Not so friendly ways." his female friend says walking up to the two accompanied by her other pal.

"Yeah, too many incidents involving spilled coffee." his other friend says. "We try our best to avoid the people with coffee."

"Wait so this is a hobby for you guys?" magnus asked them.

"Yup! Wynton, Lia and i are always goin' out and watching me spew the greatest pick-up lines to unsuspecting boys." he said before referring to his pals. "Lia is the chooser, she picks who to torment, wynton here is the brains, he knows the best lines by heart, and I'm the action man, i think my role is easy to determine."

"Ah." the determination in his ramble was something magnus found himself admiring without notice.

"Of course, we dont do this everyday." lia chuckled scratching the back of her neck. "Only to pass time on those boring days y'know, glad you weren't that type that gets heated up over a joke."

"Well i mean.. I don't the confidence to squish this kid like a bug so, you chose the right guy i guess." magnus said making said kid laugh.

"I love people like you y'know." red streaked boy said which was enough to make magnus warmly smile. "What's your name?"

"Magnus." he simply replied.

"Well I'm Dan, Dan Kouzo," he introduced holding out his hand which magnus gladly shook, "but you can call me baby."

Magnus felt that nervousness creep up on him again prompting him to let go of dan as he's left a flustered mess. The brown haired boy laughs leaving both his friends to groan.

"Come on dan, that was awful we've been through this!" wynton sighed.

"I'm sorry i couldn't help it!" dan laughed. "Did you see the look on his face though! Priceless!"

"I'm sorry about that magnus," lia said to magnus who mind you, was having a hard time getting over it. He knew it was just a joke and dan was just messing with him but wow, could he not handle himself in situations like these!

"This happens a lot," she adds. "Dan will always introduce himself and then add on 'you can call me baby' or some other weird pet name or on rare occasions he'll say 'but you can call me later' when he gets one of those guys and he hands them a slip of paper that has the number of a rural taco bell."

"It's okay," magnus said, his more calmer self returning shown by the smile on his face. "I.. I kinda like that offer."

Dan was too distracted by his own laughter that when magnus walked up to him grabbing his hand, it came as a bit of a surprise.

"Why don't we go hang out at a McDonald's baby."

and in a turn of events, dan was the one blushing.


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