- special

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Homeroom 205 of a small elementary school in Los Volmos had received news of a new student and like any class full of children they all theorized on who the new kid could be, never once guessing the person who would walk through the door would change how things worked in the class for a very long time.

Dan Kouzo was a student in this class, he was well known for his happy attitude and personally he was excited to meet this new kid. Dan was very open in making friends, half the school knew who he was so him already eager to be this kid's friend without even knowing them didn't suprise anyone at all.

Anyway Monday came by and that was the day the new student was announced in coming. The class comes in and everyone crowds around wondering who this new student would be and after the 2nd bell rings, everyone rushes to their seat excited to see their teacher: Mr Dusk, walking in holding the hand of a slightly tall boy who looked at the floor almost in shame.

The tall silver headed teacher lets the boy go smiling in his direction before turning to the class.

"Good Morning students." Mr Dusk greets like every morning.

"Good Morning Mr. Dusk!" Everyone greets back in unison. Dan takes note of the boy's slight jump in reaction.

The boy's eyes narrow from the ground to the elder by him, he focuses on his lips, another thing noted by Dan Kouzo "Now as you all know, we have a new student today, he's transferring from a special school but he was smart enough to get sent here, isn't that right?" Mr dusk said proudly in which The boy nods slowly in response
"I'll leave it to you, Why don't you introduce yourself, you can use the board if you'd like."

That last statement confused the class of 24 preteens but their questions were soon answered when the kid walked to the whiteboard behind him and began writing in large letters with a red expo marker. The students read along and once the boy was finished the letters formed read:

'My name is Magnus Black, i am deaf.'

Magnus turned meeting eyes with a speechless class. What were a bunch of 10 to 11 year olds supposed to say at this revelation anyway? This shocked Dan Kouzo the most, of his 10 years of living he's met many people but never someone who couldn't hear. At least those 7 months of self taught sign language would go somewhere.

"Now i know this all may come as a shock but we'll be mindful and letting magnus join our class with open arms." The teacher said. "As i was made known, Magnus has also lost the ability to speak and sign language is his only means of communication so in order to make Magnus feel welcome we'll all have an hour of sign language lessons starting today."

"Ugh, we get a new kid and he brings a whole lesson with him." Aay groans in the back of the class making everyone laugh. Magnus felt that shame creep up on him as Mr Dusk gets angry, he scolds the class. A wave of negative feelings fill him up before the new boy runs out Dan following suite by standing up and running out of the class to find him.

Out in the hall Dan found the boy crying, an incoherent noise of sobbing led kouzo to him as he sat with his head down hugging his knees close to his chest. Dan frowns feeling sympathy for him as he stands there looking down at him. Magnus staying put for he did not hear him.

The situation was overwhelming for Magnus Dan could sense how he felt. It was a new environment, one the boy wasn't used to so his sudden burst in emotions was reasonable.

Kneeling by him, Dan puts a hand on his arm catching the attention of the terrified boy.

"Hey don't be sad, that's just typical 5th grade behavior, you should get used to it." Dan said, Magnus following his words by reading his lips. "Besides i think sign language is kinda cool, i mean, people really just went out of their way to invent a whole 'nother way of communication that isn't some weird foreign language?! That's what i call awesome in my book!"

Magnus chuckled at that, no noise came out of it though.

"I used to watch a ton of sign language videos when i was bored, i knew they'd come in handy one day for example i can say..." Dan began signing something simple, Magnus followed his hand movements smiling warmly. Dan said the words as he signed them with his hands. "my... name is... Dan Kouzo.." He smiled at magnus before sticking his hand out which the other gladly took. They shook on it and Dan signed something else "would you... Like to be my... Uh.. Friend?"

Magnus nodded 'yes dan kouzo, I'd love to' he signed.

"Aw sweet those hand signs were so smooth, you're like a pro!"

Both boys shared a laugh before hearing footsteps approaching them. Looking up they saw Mr Dusk who looked just as happy as he did releaved.

"There you kids are! I see you've made friends with my best student," the teacher chuckled and Magnus nodded. "Well that's great, anyway lets get to class I'm sorry about the commotion earlier i promise i won't let that happen again."

"Neither will i." Dan said standing up and helping Magnus get up on his feet too. 'I'll... Protect... you Magnus.' Dan signed, his hand movements a little slow but Magnus caught on happy to have made such a great friend on just the first day.


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