Chapter 12 {NATE}

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Nate*not edited

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*not edited

Today would be Dani and I'd last full day as New York residents. To say I was excited to go home would be an understatement. I was ready for things to go back to as normal as they could possibly be.

We both had a few things we needed to get done today, so it was a clear decision that we'd spend it separately. I had dropped Dani off at her apartment so she could pack up a few more things to be shipped back home to San Diego. She also planned to have one last meeting with her clients, which I agreed to pick her up from in about an hour.

My packing was done, for the most part. I just had a few small things left around that I could easily get together in 5 minutes. Deciding I was done for the day, I flopped onto the couch, causing my back to hit something hard.

I lifted the couch cushion from behind me to reveal an ocean blue notebook; the one I'd used to write Dani all the letters. I began to smile out of relief knowing that I could say anything I wanted to say to her in person now.

However, I felt an urge to write her just one last letter. One letter to bring them all to a blissful close.

I pulled the pen out of the spine of the notebook and opened the crinkled pages to the first open one. My pen didn't move at first as it contacted with the paper; how do I even start such a letter? But then inspiration hit me.

'Dear DL,' I began the letter.

My hands wrote and wrote until they ached and I couldn't any longer. When I finished up writing I smiled to myself in satisfaction as I folding the note neatly and placed it in an envelope, then directly into my pocket.

Glancing up at the clock, I realized I needed to leave to pick up Dani if I wanted to be on time. I quickly grabbed my keys and headed to the address she gave me for the building she had her appointments at.

When I arrived to the building, I wasn't entirely sure if I was supposed to go in or wait in the car, but I had to pee so I decided on going in.

The building appeared to be a sort of community center type thing. It wasn't nice, but it also wasn't ugly or anything. It was just kind of plain. The walls were white and the floor was shined grey cement. It was one room with the only privacy being the hallway that I stood in by the doorway and the bathroom to the left of that.

My eyes began to scan the room until they landed on Dani, who sat in a circle among quite a few other women; even a few men.

"So why are you going back?" A young girl spoke up from the crowd, interrupting my train of thought. "Aren't you afraid?"

Was she talking to Dani, whom has yet to notice my presence?

I looked to Dani to see a small smile form on her face, and tears weld her eyes. She didn't really look sad, but more happy.

"Of course I'm afraid." She laughed as she sniffled and wiped a tear from her right eye. "But some things are bigger than fear, and those things will be the ones worth fighting for and worth being brave for. You can't live in fear forever, that's not really living at all."

I felt myself smiling at Dani's little rant. She was always so good with her words.

"Well what's that thing for you?" Another woman chimed in.

"Love." Dani spoke without skipping a single beat, like she'd been waiting her whole life to speak those words. "I'm in love with a man who travelled across the country and spent five years searching for me; a man who knew not to listen when I told him to follow and chase after me. I'm in love with him and I'm ready to go home for him; for my family. But more than anything, for myself. I've been ready to go home since the second I walked out the door. Ya know, I think that's the advice I'd leave you all with. If something hurts so bad that you think you have to run; don't. Because if you have to choose between right and flight, always choose fight, because there's nothing in this world that isn't worth fighting for. Especially yourself and your own well being, always fight for that first above everything else. And if someone pushes you down a few times, push back. Don't give up like I did."

By the time Dani was done talking, my jaw was dropped to the floor and I could have cried if I allowed myself to. I wasn't planning on interrupting her last moments with these people, but it just kind of happened anyways.

I popped out of the hallway to where I could be see and began to speak.

"I think that man is even more in love with you." I grinned. "And trust me, choosing to fight for you and come get was the easiest decision I ever made."

I watched as Dani's eyes widened, along with everyone else's in the room. They were probably wondering who on earth I am.

"I think I might be in love." An older woman stated jokingly, making me laugh. What on earth was she talking about? All I did was say the truth.

The rest of the day went by pretty smoothly. Dani was embarrassed that I heard her talking to all those people, but I loved it. I loved hearing her be brave.

At around 11 pm we both decided it was well past time to sleep considering we had an 8 am flight.

We both snuggled up in my bed and fell asleep peacefully watching some random cooking show on TV.

When I woke up the next morning, it was about 5:30 am. I was about to go back to sleep when something hit me; Joe.

Well, not literally, but I remembered I hadn't told him goodbye yet. I practically threw myself out of bed and ran for my phone. Yes, I was about to call this man at 5:30 am.

The phone rang a few times before he picked up.

"What's cookin' Mister LA?"


Hey everyone!  After making you all wait forever and ever, heres is chapter 12

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Hey everyone!  After making you all wait forever and ever, heres is chapter 12... haha.  I am super sorry for the wait, and I know this chapter probably seems insignificant now... but trust me... it's not(;  after thinking long and hard I finally decided on how I want this to go down next and it's going to be funnnnnnn haha.  Something important happened in this chapter so just uh.... remember it because it's 10000000% going to into play later in the book. 

In the next few chapters you can expect some good things and a POV you've never gotten before sooooo just stay ready(;

On a side note, what's new with everyone???  I'll tell y'all what's new with me😂 my friend and I always go to this Mexican restaurant at least once a week because it's across the street from our school and there's this really cute worker and after like a month of joking that I'm gonna give him my number I finally wrote it on a napkin along with 'to the cute server in the black shirt' 💀😂😂 it's was so cheesy BUTTTTT he did text me and he's super nice and ahhhhhh😂

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