Strong feelings.

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All of the avengers were sitting at the HQ, everyone facing Fury, the one eyed director who was giving instructions, except for Carol, who had her eyes fixiated on the redhead sitting in front of her. Carol outlined the shape of her body, her perfect curves, her beautiful lips, -god how she desired to kiss them- and her skin, her soft, white skin.
Fury stopped talking and all eyes went to Natasha.

"Yes, I think we should divide into Two attack groups and three defense groups..." The redhair kept explaining her idea.

Carol admired the movement of her lips as an angel voice came out, she looked at her cheek's movement and was a little upset when it stopped, but she got an even better view, her green hypnotizing eyes, that green calmed Carol down immediately, not that she had many worries, but it felt like a tranquilizer, Carol stared at her eyes and suddendly realized that Natasha's eyes were staring at her too. Carol felt herself blush, she felt as red as a tomato.

She tried to look down at the table to stop staring but she heard a soft giggle coming from Nat, she looked at her and saw her biting her lip, which Carol found even more unresistable. Natasha grabbed a pen and wrote a note on a paper, Carol was very intrigued to see what it said but couldn't reach it. She was extremely happy when Natasha slided The note through the table towards her. Carol smiled and opened it.

You can't keep your eyes off me, huh Danvers?

Carol blushed instantly and loved the beautiful handwriting, then she looked up at Natasha who was smiling. The blonde felt as if she had to reply so she grabbed a pen and began writing.

You are the one sliding notes Romanoff.

Carol grinned as she wrote and then she passed it back. Carol fell in love with Natasha's little laugh as she read it and then Natasha looked up at her. They both stared into each others eyes and then Natasha broke the connection by looking at Fury. Carol felt very upset, she thought the paper-passing and little laughs were over but that was when she realized it was all completely quiet and Carol had all eyes on her.

"What?" She Asked, very confused.

"Yes Fury, me and agent Danvers will work together as the first attack team and we will train together." Natasha said saving Carol from a little yell from Fury.

Fury looked at Carol frowning and continued talking, this time, Carol looked at him, when she turned back to look at the table she saw the same paper they passed notes with, and Carol didn't hesitate to open it.

At least I'm paying attention. Meet me after this at the training room. ;)

Carol blushed once again and couldn't wait for the meeting to be over, as soon as Fury said that they were dismissed Carol saw Natasha leave rather fast and followed.

                                          • • •

Carol walked into the training room and saw Natasha.

"Took you long enough Danvers." Natasha grinned.

Carol admired Natasha, who was wearing a black tank top and stretchy pants, she had put her amazing, red hair in a pony tail and she was smiling towards Carol, Who was dressed very similar but with a grey tank top. And her hair let loose.

"You really can't stop staring, can you Danvers?" Natasha said mockingly.

"Shut up." Carol said getting close to Nat. "Why did you want to meet me here?"

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