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Natasha was laying on the green grass with a loose white dress hugging her body perfectly. She stared up at the sky thinking about everything, she closed her eyes and took in her life with a deep breath. She just felt like she needed a break, specially from Steve. The glorious Captain America was caught by Natasha after sleeping with two women only a few hours after they had broken up. Natasha was the one to break up with Steve but still, it's not a go-fuck-other-women-now-it's-okay sign. The redhead didn't love Steve, not one bit, after being together for 3 months she finally realized that she didn't love him, so she decided to break things up, and it's not like she could scream at him for sleeping with women but it still bothered her. She kept replaying what happened, she went to pick up her things from Steve's house and as soon as she entered Steve's room there they were, one red haired, one blonde, both naked on top of Steve. She ran out and came back to her house, she layed on the grass and felt pain rush in her body.

"That one's a turtle."

Natasha jumped at the voice that suddenly appeared next to her, she opened her eyes and stood up in a fighting position, ready to kick ass. She realized it was actually her best friend, Carol Danvers, who was laughing in the grass.

"Dammit you scared me Carol." Natasha said as she layed back down in the grass.

Carol kept chuckling and then sighed, she was looking at the clouds that ruled the sky.

"I'm serious though, that one looks like a turtle." Carol smiled.

Natasha looked at the cloud Carol was looking at and smiled. 'God I'm glad she's here.' She thought. The only person Natasha relied on apart from Steve was Carol, and she trusted her much more. They have cried together, laughed together, watched series together, and the list could go on forever. It was unusual for Natasha to love someone so much but with Carol she felt like she could open up.

"More like a horse." She chuckled.

Carol turned her head to Natasha and frowned.

"Wha- How?- Where do you see a tail?" Carol asked mockingly.

Natasha laughed as she pointed at the fluffy white object, Carol kept dening the posibility of a horse and Natasha laughed so much she couldn't even say a word.

"I swear I'm buying you glasses." Carol admired her laughing friend and she wanted to make her laugh even more. "Like those big ones that typical old lady at the street wears."

Carol had loved Natasha more than anything since the day she met her, everyday she woke up thinking about her, her best friend who she wished to kiss like there was no tomorrow. But she couldn't, so she settled for being the shoulder to cry on.
Soon, silence ruled that pitch of grass they were in again and Carol brought up a question.

"So how are you doing?" Carol asked sympathetically.

Natasha sighed. She didn't know how to respond.

"Well I caught him with two women in his bed. How do you react to that?" Natasha asked annoyed.

Carol knew they had broken up, not that Steve would do such an awful thing.

"I don't know. But I'm here for you." Carol replied, only to be followed by a reassuring silence.

Carol wanted to turn and hug her so tight that she could never escape her grip, she wanted to kiss her and tell her everything would be okay, she thought of  all the ways she could kill Steve, but nothing happened. She closed her eyes and sighed, she never knew she could feel so uncapable.
The blonde looked at Natasha, who was staring directly at the sky, not crying, but with pain in her eyes, which perfectly fit her strong personality. Carol looked up at the sky too, the light blue was really beautiful, and the fluffy clouds made it seem comfortable. She stared without making a sound for a few minutes, until Natasha broke the silence.

"How is it up there? In the clouds?" She asked emotionless.

Carol turned to Natasha, she outlined the features of her face slowly as she breathed in and out, she couldn't believe how pretty her best friend was.

"It's- It's hard to explain..." Carol saw the expression on Natasha's face darken. She basically saw the disapointed. "It's easier to just see it."

Natasha raised an eyebrow and looked at Carol, pushed her upper body up with her elbows and frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Carol smiled and locked eyes with Natasha.

"Well..." Without a warning she picked up Natasha and flied her up to the clouds. "See it for yourself."

Nat wrapped her arms around Carol's neck and stared around her, the clouds look so... close. Carol flied a little higher to so Natasha could get a better view, and the truth is, it looked great. The clouds had

different shapes and colors, they looked 3D, so it was harder picturing a turtle. She looked above her and saw a big grey cloud forming, her jaw dropped, she could see little parts of the clouds, just gasses mixing together with others and forming what looked like a more solid substance. Feeling eyes on her, Natasha looked at Carol, who had kept her eyes on her the whole time she looked around, before she could say anything, Carol flied her inside of what looked like a big, dense cloud. Natasha looked around and saw only white and grey, everywhere she looked, there were clouds. She smiled even wider, which soon turned to a cute little laugh.

"Can you see it's a turtle now?" Carol joked.

Natasha smiled at Carol and noticed blush creep up on her best friends cheeks.

"I can see you blush." Natasha said softly with a grin.

Carol pressed her lips together and felt herself get even more red. What she didn't expect, was to have Natasha's gave on her lips. Her hands held strongly to Carol's neck and she pulled closer slowly.

"Nat-" Carol tilted her head a bit unknowingly so she didn't bump into her nose.

Natasha closed her eyes and Carol followed right away, her heart was beating faster than ever and she could feel her legs shaking. Trembling, Carol got closer to Natasha, she had fought aliens and she had had thousands of enemies but being this close to Natasha was the most nervous she had ever been. All of that disappeared, when their lips met. It was the most wonderful sensation both of them had ever felt.  Carol felt the need to explore Natasha's mouth and there was nothing stoping her, she fought Natasha's tounge and enjoyed every moment of it. She smiled into the kiss and Natasha pulled away lightly.

"Does kissing a woman always feel that good or is it the clouds?" Natasha grinned.

Carol looked at Natasha's swollen lips and sighed in relief to know Natasha liked the kiss, she giggled and pressed her forehead against the redhead.

"It's probably the clouds... But I'm the only one that can bring you here." Carol answered biting her lip.

"Then we should do this more often."

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