Pick Up Lines?

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"WANDA I'M SERIOUS." Carol screamed at her phone.

Wanda laughed from the other side and wanted to keep mocking Carol. Carol on the other hand, was extremely nervous while she stared at Natasha through a bunch of people dancing. The blonde was the typical girl at the corner of a party wondering why she was there, but instead she called her best friend about having ran into her crush. Natasha was wearing a beautiful red dress that matched her hair colour perfectly and very well done make up that made her look even prettier.

Carol kept staring over at her, cursing inwardly for not putting that much effort into her choice of clothing. 'She will think I live under a bridge...' But who is she kidding, Carol Danvers could wear anything and still look astonishing. Anyway, she kept observing the redhead's movements, she was so pretty Carol just wanted to take pictures of her and kiss her everywhere as she snuggled her close. What happened next seemed to be in slow motion; Steve said something that made Natasha laugh, her smile turned bigger and Carol admired what she thought was the most heart warming smile in the entire world. What she didn't expect though was that Natasha's gaze fell on Carol for a few seconds.

Eye contact. Eye contact. Eye contact. Carol tried to keep calm but she failed tremendously, she small smiled which probably ended up being a creepy smile but she was thankful given Natasha chuckled at her. Then, she turned back to look at Steve.

"Hello?! Earth to Carol?" Wanda said from the phone.

"The most amazing thing just happened."

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Wanda yelled from the other side, hoping it was actually something interesting.

"She smiled at me."

"I'm rolling my eyes now. You're a disappointment." Wanda said jokingly.

"What if I walked up to her? I have to talk to her. Or else I will really be a complete disappointment." Wanda made eager sounds from the other side and was ready to mock Carol again, but the blonde spoke. "What should I even say?"

Wanda cleared her throat and explained her plan. "You have to show you're interested, and become unresistable. Like this," With a silly voice, she continued. "Roses are red, violets are blue, and guess what, my bed has room for two."

And with that, Carol turned off her phone.

She brought her gaze up to be met with a redhead walking towards her. As expected, panic took over and she ran to the bathroom before Natasha was even close to reaching her.

She closed the door behind her and cursed inwardly. What the hell just happened. She looked in the mirror and fixed her hair as fast as she could to at least do something. She opened the door and was extremely surprised to find a certain redhead looking directly at her. Silence ruled both of them and Carol didn't know how to react. They didn't once break eye contact and it was getting on Carol's nerves. She had to stop the silence somehow, and by pure instinct:

"Roses are red, violets are blue, and guess what, my bed has room for two."

Natasha frowned and Carol face slapped in her imagination. But thankfully, Natasha found it funny.

"You're one of a kind, Danvers. How about we go to a few dates first and then settle over the bed." Natasha smirked.

Carol's jaw dropped. 'DID SHE JUST- OH MY GOD.' It's not exactly common that your crush asks you out on a date, so Carol was incredibly happy. She didn't even think Natasha could like girls.

"I would love that." Carol said trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Great then, when are you free? I've been waiting ages to take you out on a date."

Carol blushed furiously, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. 'SHE'S BEEN WAITING AGES?!'

"If it was up to me I'd ditch this party now to spend time with you." Carol smiled.

But then she realized what she did. She definitely opened up too much. She waited for Natasha to nervous laugh and leave, but the redhead showed an evil grin and grabbed Carol by the wrist, dragging her out of the party.

"Where are we going?" Carol laughed.

"That's a surprise Danvers!"

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