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Wooyoung POV;

Howdy partner, how does it feel to be 16 ;)

I snorted when I saw the message appear on my arm.

Legit feel the same as before, the only difference, I can start working now lol

I turned back to my schoolwork until I felt a familiar tingling on my left arm. I looked at it to see what San wrote this time.

Why'd you want to work already, life's too short for all that... adult stuff

I sighed. San knew my situation, he just kind of forgot sometimes, I guess. I never really went into detail about it, when we were seven or eight, I'd always say that my family has a limit of things we can buy. I know, kind of vague, but it did the trick back then.

Remember the stuff about my family having a limit of things we can buy? The thing I'd always say when we were 7?

I waited a few seconds.

Yeah, why?

Guess it didn't do the trick then. I'll just be bold and tell him straight up.

That was my way to say we're poor, well, not really but my parents are sparing up for college and all that stuff, so they cut down to a certain amount of money every month

I was writing really small, there's only a limited amount of arm, you know? A few seconds later it was wiped away.

Damn, now I feel stupid for not catching on

Can I help out?

I smiled. Sweet. Typical San, too.

Cute, but we'll be fine, I don't want to trouble you and work experience could be nice

I then pulled the sleeve of my hoodie down and went back to studying. Why did math and history have to be this hard? I heard the phone downstairs ring. I then felt another tingling on my arm and went to look again.

True, good luck with finding work, love you

A smile appeared on my face once again.

Love you too, can't wait till faith bring us together

"Baby! It's Yeosang!" I heard my mom yell to upstairs. I closed my maps and ran downstairs at full speed. Mom handed me the phone.

"Hey, Woo, remember that abandoned place a street away from school?" Yeosang, my best friend, asked.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Someone bought it and will turn it into a coffee shop. That someone happens to be Jongho, my soulmate. I can get us a job there," Yeosang excitedly told me.

"First of all; CONGRATS ON MEETING YOUR SOULMATE!!" I yelled, excited for my best friend. "Second of all; get us the job, please, you know I've always wanted to work at a coffee shop."

"I know, that's why I called you. I'll talk with Jongho about it. I'll inform you tomorrow in school," he said. I agreed, we said bye and hung up.

I handed the phone back to my mom, gave her a hug and went back upstairs to study, but not before telling her we'll be having a game night with dad tonight. Game nights are really fun, to be honest, even though we don't have a lot of games, we'll always find a way to entertain ourselves and grow an even stronger bond with each other.

I was studying for history again, since I'll be having a test about it before noon. I could study the rest of math during the lunch break. I was fully focused when the familiar tingling on my left arm returned.



I stared at the links confused.

I'm confused?

I suddenly felt the skin on my forehead tingle.

I forgot you don't have a PC

It are links to pictures of tattoos I'd like to have, but since we basically share our skin, I wanted to know if you'd be okay with having them too

I stayed silence and tried thinking of a solution. I gasped.

What style? Where? Describe how they look like?

I went back to studying while I waited for the tingling that indicated that San was writing stopped. When it stopped I decided to look.

One is a wolf and the second one is kind of a tiny flowerchain if that makes sense

My eyes fell on a poorly drawn sketch.

About what it looks like (excuse my drawing skills, they didn't improve much since when we communicated through drawings)

The second one is on the right arm, I won't draw it since I would fuck up too bad-

I thought for a bit. I like the sketches of the tattoos and it didn't sound too bad.

Alright, when are you getting them?

I watched as my left arm got wiped clean again.

Depends, if we don't have lessons tomorrow (chance is big), I'll be getting them then

I nodded, even though San couldn't see it.

Cool, anyways, I'll be going back to studying now, love you

I pulled my hoodie's sleeve down again. The familiar tingling briefly returned. I didn't need to look to know my soulmate had wished me luck to study and had said 'love you too'.

After a while of studying, I closed the books and put everything back in my back pack. I went downstairs to help my mom with cooking. Dad was already home. He never really had a stable shift, he could sometimes be absent from 6 am to 11 pm and other days he'd have to work from 9 am to 1 pm and sometimes they'd need him for over a day or didn't need him at all. Anyways, I was glad that he's home again.

We started eating and after that, we did the dishes together. When we finished that, we went to the living room and started out game night. It was the most fun one we had in a while. Probably since it had been so long since the last one we had, about four months ago.

EDIT 7/3/2021: my dumbass changes the tattoos since I was dumb and just informed that the ones I originally chose were cultural appropriation

I am insanely sorry if I offended anyone with the original tattoos, I didn't know that it was cultural appropriation and I regret not researching before I put them there

I have now chosen different tattoos of which I'm pretty sure they aren't cultural  appropriation, and if they are, tell me and I'll immediately change it

Once again, I'm really sorry for my actions, I hope you can forgive me

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