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Wooyoung POV;

Hi Woo :)

I smiled as the message appeared on my left arm.

Hi Sannie, how's your day?

I wrote under the previous message. I've been doing this ever since I knew how to write, even before that. I'd draw silly drawings on my arm and hope to receive one back from my soulmate, San. I haven't met him yet, we've agreed to let faith lead us to each other. The only personal information we've shared so far are our names, ages and gender. 

Amazing, I can't believe I'm 12 now :D mom gave me that bike I've been wanting for ages now!

I gasped, that lucky kid. I still have to wait a few months until I turn 12. I want to know what I'll get. Not much probably, since my parents are always tight on money. Well, not really exactly, they always limit their budget so they can afford it when I'll be going to college so I'll be able to live a better life than they do. 

Lucky!!!! I can't wait until I turn 12 as well, just a few more months :)

"Youngie, I'm leaving for work, your mother is in the kitchen if you need her," my dad said as he entered the living room to say goodbye to me, as usual. "Are you writing San again?" He asked, before I got time to answer, he continued: "Tell him I said 'hi', love you, sweetheart." Dad gave me a last kiss on my forehead before leaving to work.

My dad said hi! 

I quickly scribbled down my left arm. I didn't get a response, so I turned on the television to watch some SpongeBob. 

"Baby, dinner is ready!" I heard my mom call out. I turned off the TV, jumped out of the couch and ran towards the kitchen, seeing a plate ready on the table. I frown as it is just one plate. I made my mom sit down on the chair and went to sit on her lap. Mom wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss on my cheek. "You have to eat well so you'll grow tall and strong, hm?"

"Yes, but mom, you also have to eat. You need to stay healthy!" I said as I grabbed a little of the vegetables on my fork and brought it to my mom's mouth. "Open up!" Mom chuckled and opened her mouth, allowing me to feed her. After that I ate some of the vegetables myself, making sure to feed my mom as well. I know she'd like it more if I ate everything myself, but I don't want my mom to be hungry just because we've got a limited amount of money.

After eating, I helped my mom with cleaning the plate, utensils and the pots and pans that were used to make the food. When we finished, I grabbed my mom's hand, dragged her to my room and picked a book I hadn't read yet out of the bookshelf that hung on the wall, next to the door. "Well you read this for me?" I asked, giving my mom puppy-dog eyes I knew she couldn't resist.

"Of course, baby," mom said, going to sit down on my bed, grabbing me and placing me on her lap, making sure I was comfortable. She opened the book and made sure I could read along as she started reading. I laughed when mom did a weird voice to read one of the character's dialogue, which she acted offended to. "Is there something wrong with my reading style, mister?" She asked in her 'severe' voice.

I shook my head, trying to hold back giggles, which failed miserably. Mom joined in too. We laughed for a few minutes before mom continued reading.

One of the chapters ended with the biggest cliff-hanger I've ever read, or well, heard in my life. That's when mom looked at the clock. "Looks like it's time for bed," she said.

"No! I want to know what happens next, mom!" I said, louder than I intended to.

"You'll have to wait for the continuation then. Now it's time to go to bed, it's a school night and we're already one hour past bed time." Next thing I know, I was in my pajamas, teeth brushed, tucked in and had my mom giving me a goodnight kiss. "Goodnight, baby. Remember, mom and dad love you like crazy."

"I love you guys too, mom. Goodnight," I said, yawning right after I managed to get the 'goodnight' out. Mom then turned off the light and closed the door when she left my room.

This was pretty much my life. Going to school and trying to live my life the best way I can with what I was given. It seemed to work though, I could see the effect I have on my parents almost daily. Sometimes I'd catch my mom or dad crying because they can't take life the way it was given to them anymore. Dad even told me once that the highlight of his day was hanging out with me, doing silly stuff and forgetting about reality for a bit.

Mom never told me I'm the highlight of her day, but I think she knows that I know. 

Remember when I said that I wanted to know what I'll be getting when I turn 12? Well, let's just scratch that. Making my parents happy is already enough for me. I will be doing my best in school, so I can get a good job and maybe make life easier for them, so they don't have to be sad when I move out when I'll be a big and strong boy. Yes, that's what I'll do in the future. Until then, I'll keep trying to make the best out of the life that was given to me and keep making my parents happy.

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