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Wooyoung POV;

I slowly woke up and stared at the ceiling. Five minutes later, I got out of bed for real, with a big sigh. I looked at the calendar that was hanging on the wall. A smile appeared on my face. It's San's birthday. I grabbed the pen that was laying on the nightstand and started writing on my left arm.

Happy birthday, old man ;)

I then started my morning routine. When I had finally finished everything and was about to head out for work, my arm started tingling. Of course, I immediately looked at it.

Shush, in a few months you'll also be 21

I rolled my eyes and opened the door. My arm tingled again.

Also, if I don't write a lot today, I'm moving today

I wanted to ask to where he was moving, but then I remembered that we promised we would let faith bring us together.

It's alright, good luck with moving <3

Then I officially left for work. I shivered when I got outside. It was really cold and the only clothes I had left in my closet this morning were ripped jeans and a sleeveless shirt. I really had to wash my clothes, but I don't have time. How come? Well, my parents couldn't afford the house anymore, so they moved back into the house of my mom's parents since that was their only choice. My grandparents basically hate me because my soulmate is from the same gender as I am, so they didn't even let me enter the house. After that I lived in Yeosang's house for a few months until I had spared up enough money to afford a small apartment since the ones around this area are cheap. Now I work at multiple places to be able to pay the rent, pay the taxes and the bills and still have some money left to buy myself food.

My time schedule is a mess, but I manage. Somehow. I hadn't told San any of this because I don't want him to worry about me. 

A few minutes later I had arrived in the coffee shop that Jongho owned. I had managed to get shifts almost every day, my shifts usually lasted from 8 am to 9 pm. After that I usually go to a restaurant to serve there until midnight, other days I'd work in the carwash from 3 am to 7:30 am. My schedule was really hectic and I had to drop out of college, which my parents had spared up for for such a long time, to maintain all my jobs. (A/N: and I just noticed I had written the whole paragraph in 3 POV instead of 1 POV-- (21/12/2019))

Like usual, nothing really interesting happened in the coffee shop, but around noon, two ladies entered. When they looked at me, they just froze and kind of stared at me, turned towards each other and smirked. The tallest of the two walked towards the desk and gave their order; one latte, one cappuccino, one mocha and a piece of chocolate cake. I nodded and started preparing their order. While I was making everything ready to go with them, the smallest of them started talking to me: "You know, our son has the exact same tattoos on the exact same places. Do you mind if we take a picture of the tattoos and send it to him?"

"No, I don't mind," I said with a huge smile as I grabbed a pen and started writing on my left arm as the woman took a picture of the tattoos.

Guess who I just met?

I gave the ladies their order, they payed, we said goodbye and they left the coffee shop. Outside of the window, I saw the lady who had taken the picture on her phone. Then I felt the familiar tingling on my arm.

Mom just sent me a pic-

Are you serious that you met my moms before you met me-


I snorted.


I then went back to work since someone else had joined the shop. It was an old lady this time. She gasped when she saw my tattoos. "Young man, how dare you permanently damage you and your girl's skin?!"

I rolled my eyes, here we go again.

"Ma'am, he asked me if it's alright if he'd get those tattoos. I agreed with him. None of us got it against our will," I explained, receiving an angry huff from the lady. "Can I please take your order, ma'am?" I asked politely.

I took her order and while making her coffee, I could hear her grumble about "kids these days" "no respect" "a disgrace to their ancestors" and all that kind of stuff. I ignored it since I got these things almost daily. After the old lady left again, nothing really happened. Soon my shift in the coffee shop ended and I left to the restaurant. As usual, Seonghwa, a fellow waiter I'm close with, lend me his clothes so I'd be in the proper uniform to work. 

I started my shift and has to wait for a table with a seemingly rich family. Their daughter was staring at me the whole time whenever I went to get their order and brought their food. Before they left, she talked to me: "Can I have your number, sexy?"

"I'm sorry, miss, but I don't have a phone and I'm loyal to my soulmate," I replied calmly, trying to sound as politely as possible.

"Don't lie! Everyone has a phone and your soulmate won't notice a thing!" The girl basically yelled.

"Miss, I work three jobs to maintain a somewhat stable life, the only thing I have to communicate with people that are not in front of me is the skinbond between me and my soulmate and the post," I calmly said. The girl started throwing a fit until the manager came over. He told me to leave, so I left to go serve another table.

When I arrived the two boys that were seated at the table looked at me, then at each other and started laughing. I was confused and just waited for them to stop laughing so they could order. The one with blue hair calmed down first and clearly saw my confusion as he started to explain: "A friend of ours is moving, his moms already found his soulmate before he did and now we also beat him to it," he explained, trying to contain himself from laughing even more while I snorted. Poor San. Soon they had fully calmed down. "My name is Mingi by the way, and that's Yunho," he introduced him and the boy he was with.

"Wooyoung, nice to meet you," I said with a smile. Then I asked their order. After I gave the order to the chef and waited for the food to be ready, I grabbed a pen and started writing on my left arm.

Mingi and Yunho seem nice 

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