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San POV;


I groaned as our two youngest crawled on our bed and started jumping on it, waking me and Wooyoung. My soulmate groaned and managed to wrap his arms around the two and pulling them down. "No need to jump on the bed, dad and I are awake", he said, hugging our kids before putting them down on the floor and getting out of bed. I sighed and got up as well.

I looked at the clock. It was 5 am. Why do these kids always have to wake up this early? I didn't have time to wake up properly before Hweseung, our youngest son, grabbed my hand and dragged me to the living room. I saw Chenle, Jaemin and Gahyeon already sitting on the couch, watching whatever on TV. If any of you kept count, yes, five kids. We have more.

Wooyoung and I have been adopting some kids who were rejected by their parents ever since we got married two years ago, in total we have eight kids. I heard some ticking on the parket. Probably Snowflake, our dog. And I was right, a few seconds later the labrador jumped on the couch, knocking Chenle and Gahyeon down. I chuckled and went to check if they were okay.

Wooyoung and I went to sit on the couch as well and watched tv with the five kids who had woken up already. After a while, Jisung came running downstairs and jumped onto Wooyoung, making him laugh. "Goodmorning to you too, sweetheart", my husband said once he stopped laughing.

"Paps, look!" Jisung said, showing his arm to Wooyoung. He sounded excited. I got curious and wanted to take a look as well. "No, dad! Only paps!" I pouted, looking at my son with puppy eyes. Jisung sighed. "Fine!" He showed me his arm. It was his first full conversation he's had with his soulmate, Minho. It was adorable. Then it dawned on me.

"Young man, when did you have this conversation? You went to bed last night around midnight!" I said. 

"This is why I only wanted paps to see!" Jisung said, hiding away from me.

Wooyoung then softly flicked my forehead. "Don't act like we never chatted the whole night, sir." Before I could say anything, our two oldest kids came downstairs. Junggeun was talking to Josh, who seemed nervous for some reason. In the end, Josh took a deep breath and walked towards us.

"Dad, paps? Can we talk?" He asked, looking very, very nervous. Wooyoung looked at me and freed himself from the rest of our kids, who had trapped him with cuddles. I stood up as well, struggling a little bit less.

"Sure, sweety", Wooyoung said, walking towards the kitchen. Josh and I followed. "So, what did you wanna talk about?" 

Josh took a deep breath. "Dad, paps, I've been really confused about my gender ever since I can remember and a month ago I finally figured out and I don't want to keep it a secret any longer for you. I'm trans. I'm not a boy, I'm a girl."

Wooyoung and I looked at each other and smiled. We then both hugged our daughter. "What do you want us to call you, daughter? I assume you don't want us calling you Josh anymore", I said. 

"Yeji", she replied.

We continued hugging for a while before Wooyoung spoke up. "Yeji, how about we go shopping for some new clothes after breakfast?" We broke apart and she nodded. 

Yeji and I went back to the living room while Wooyoung went to the kitchen to make breakfast. While waiting for breakfast, the kids were playing a game since I had turned off the tv and hidden the remote somewhere so they couldn't turn it on anymore. 

"Pancakes are ready!" We heard Wooyoung yell. I got up while Yeji and Junggeun ran to the kitchen, Jisung jumped on my back, Chenle as well while Gayheon, Jaemin, Hweseung and Minji held onto my legs. I sighed and tried walking with six out of eight kids attached to me. I managed to get forward, just really, really slow.

"Wooyoung! Help me!" I yelled when Jisung and Chenle started poking me, hoping it'd make me walk faster. Wooyoung walked back into the living room, froze and started laughing.

He soon calmed down. "The first to get into the kitchen can have extra chocolate", is all my husband had to say for the kids to release me and dash into the kitchen.

"Why do you make parenting look so easy?" I asked, pouting. Wooyoung laughed and gave me a soft kiss.

"I don't know, but we better get into the kitchen before the kids create chaos in there." He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the kitchen, to encounter the six youngest fighting about who was first. "Yeji, Junggeun, who was first in the kitchen?" Wooyoung simply asked.

"I was?" Junggeun said. 

Protest came from the youngest six. "No fighting, Junggeun was first, so he'll get extra chocolate", I said, knowing Junggeun would share the chocolate with his siblings.

And indeed Junggeun shared the chocolate with his siblings and peace returned, well, as peaceful as an eleven membered family (yes, Snowflake's counted in) can be. After we finished breakfast, I had an idea. I waited at the door while Wooyoung and Yeji were preparing to go out to buy some new clothes. "What's up with you, Sannie?" Wooyoung asked when he and our daughter arrived at the door. I gave him the look. 

"Oh no-" Yeji said, knowing the look I gave Wooyoung was the 'time for a dad joke' look.

"So, Yeji, if you're trans, and we're your parents, does that mean that we're."

"Transparent", Wooyoung and I said both at the same time.

Yeji looked so done. "I hate both of you", She said.

"Okay, okay, but all joking aside, we love you. Have fun shopping", I said, giving Yeji a hug and Wooyoung a peck on his lips before they walked out of the door.

"Don't let the kids burn down the house, I'm on speed dial if the kids need me and use the skin bond if you need help", Wooyoung said before he and Yeji left.

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