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Mingi POV;

Yunho was in the kitchen, probably baking. I was bored and decided to go to the kitchen and maybe mess around with my soulmate for a bit. When I arrived in the kitchen, I walked up behind Yunho, wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. "Need some help?" I asked.

"Well, I need another egg", Yunho said. I nodded and let go of him. As soon as I grabbed the egg, I decided this was the perfect moment to mess around. I softly cracked the egg a bit against the counter, making sure it didn't fully break yet. I carefully brought the egg above my boyfriend's head and then fully cracked it open.

Yunho froze while I was hysterically laughing. The next thing I knew, the incomplete batter my soulmate had made was thrown at my face. I look up to see Yunho smirking. "Game on", I said, running to the fridge to collect more things I could use as munition. While I was trying to get to the fridge, more of the batter was thrown at me. I stopped my mission of getting to the fridge to find a hiding place. I crouched down behind the cooking island that was a bit away from the counter where Yunho was.

I was about to look if I was safe as I didn't hear anything and it had been a while. As soon as I stood up, I felt my shirt being pulled back and a few cold ice cubes run down my back. I squeaked because of the coldness. Right then and there I made up my revenge plan, seeing I was fully covered in batter, I had the perfect plan to get back to Yunho. I smirked at him and started running in his direction. I heard a high pitched squeal coming from my soulmate as I chased him.

After a few seconds of running, I caught him. We had fallen onto the floor since I had slipped as soon as I got a hold of him. I quickly positioned myself on his stomach and started tickling my boyfriend. He started laughing like crazy, making me laugh as well. Soon enough, we were both out of breath and I lie down on top of him as he wrapped his arms around me. We continued laying there, on the floor, catching our breathes and smiling.

"I don't even want to know", a familiar voice said. Yunho and I sat up and turned towards the door only to see San standing there. 

"Hi, San", we both said.

"Minmin, Imma take a shower, I'll be back in a few", Yunho said, giving me a quick peck on my lips before standing up and leaving me and San alone.

"Welcome, don't mind the mess", I said as I stood up as well and walked up to San, trying to hug him, just to be avoided. 

"Nope! These clothes are newly bought and mom will kill me if she has to wash it now already!" San yelled. I laughed.

"So, wanna tell me why you're here?" I asked, knowing San doesn't usually go to home just to say hi.

"Well, I want to propose to Woo but I don't know how so I thought maybe Yunho and you could help me?" 

"Can't you just ask him?" I asked.

"No, I want it to be special so he never forgets it."

We were thinking about ways San could propose when Yunho returned. "Oh my lord! Is this really what I think it is? My Mingi and his best friend are... THINKING!?" He let out a dramatic gasp.

"I didn't ask to be attacked like that, but yes, I wanna propose to Woo but I want it to be special so he doesn't forget", San said.

Yunho got quiet for a second before he spoke up. "How about you use the skin bond?" He suggested.

"Just writing down 'hi, you wanna marry me?' isn't really gonna be a lasting memory I think", San said. Yunho sighed.

"You could do it in a different way and still use the skin bond for it", Yunho said.

"How?" San and I asked synchronized.

My soulmate then started explaining his plan and San seemed to love it. "Are you sure it's gonna work?" San asked after Yunho finished the explanation.

"I'm fully convinced it'll work, now let's plan the whole thing so it can't go wrong." And with that we started planning.

Three hours later the plan was fully settled and Yunho had forced me to go take a shower. "I'll keep the plan here so there's no way Wooyoung will discover it until it's getting executed", Yunho said as he grabbed the paper we had written the plan on and put it in between a small notebook he always carried around. I have no clue how it survived the food-fight from earlier.

After that we said bye to San and he left again. "You're cooking", Yunho said as soon as the door was closed before running away. I sighed knowing I'd have to clean the kitchen first before I could start. 

"Hell no! Which pizza do you want!?" I yelled, grabbing my phone. Yunho yelled which pizza he wanted and I dialed the phone number and ordered the pizzas.

I then went to our bedroom, knowing Yunho, he'd be hiding under the covers. And he was. I jumped on top of him, careful to not hurt him. "We're either gonna clean the kitchen together or the kitchen won't be cleaned at all", I said.

I heard my boyfriend groan and we both got up and went to clean the kitchen. We had just finished cleaning when the pizzas arrived. I payed the delivery girl and went back inside with the pizzas. "Wanna watch a movie while eating or nah?" I asked.

"Can I chose the movie?" Yunho asked, giving me puppy eyes. 

I put the pizza down on the table in the living room, walked over to my soulmate and gave him a soft kiss. "Of course you can." He pecked my lips, went to grab the remote and opened Netflix. A few minutes later we were cuddled up together, watching Ratatouille and eating pizzas together.


A/N: thank you @love_lorri for the idea <3

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