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A/N: Filler cuz I had an idea and a plan and I WILL EXECUTE IT!

Mingi POV;

I looked back down at the address that was written on my hand, then looked up to check if I was indeed in the right place. And I was. I grabbed my phone and glanced at the time, I was five minutes later than the time on that was written on my hand. I took a deep breathe and entered the small café the address belonged to.

The café was nearly empty, just the barista behind the desk and a boy studying. When I looked at the male, I felt exactly what my mom told me she felt when she saw my dad for the first time: I felt my heartbeat quicken a bit, I felt how my head started to lighten a bit, I felt myself starting to blush and feel nervous. It felt like there was a whole zoo inside my stomach.

I took a deep breath and approached the boy. I cleared my throat when I stood in front of him, making him look up. Holy fuck. He looks so adorable. I'm sure that at this point no one would be able to tell the difference between a tomato and my face. The boy quickly stood up and looked at his feet, muttering a quick 'sorry' before turning around and attempting to make a run for it. I quickly grabbed his arm. "Wait, please just tell me why? After that you can go and I won't bother you again. Please, just... tell me?" I said.

The boy sighed and sat down again, patting the spot beside him, signaling me to sit down. When I sat down, I saw the barista had left, probably to give us some privacy. "Remember the first message you wrote to me?" The boy asked, his voice sounded so beautiful.

I nodded. 'Hi, my name Mingi, boy 3 yaers :D' My mother had taught me how to write that, hoping that it'd help me get into contact with my soulmate, so we'd get close over time.

"My mother had learnt me how to read on my third birthday, so I knew what it said, well, after deciphering your writing. At first I was so happy and wanted to write you back, but then I remembered something my parents have been saying almost everyday, as far as I can recall: 'if your soulmate is a male, we will kick you out of this house instantly! We do not tolerate faggots in this household.'," the boy stopped and let out a long sigh.

"I've been lying to them every time they asked me if my soulmate had already contacted them. I always said you didn't and a year ago they stopped asking, probably thinking I don't have a soulmate. I started sparing money to buy my own house when I'm old enough when I was 10, hoping I could move out as soon as possible. The reason I wrote down this address was because I finally had enough money to buy a small studio to live in, but my parents found the money," the boy stopped again and looked down. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders, he didn't do anything about it, so I pulled him closer. He laid his head head on my shoulder and inhaled deeply.

"Mom used a lot of the money to buy cosmetics with it, while dad used the other part of it to buy parts of cars he needed for a project he's making. They barely left anything of the money. I kind of forgot what I had written down on my hand because of the stress it caused me. The fact that I'm here is because I always come to study here, no one really knows where this place is but the coffee and cake here are really good." He laughed quietly. God, I love his laugh.

"I'm so sorry to disappoint you," he then whispered.

"You don't disappoint me", I said when I started playing with his hair a bit. "It's not like you chose to be born in the family you were born in. I know this may sound strange, coming from someone you just met, but you can come live with me if you want. My parents are accepting of almost everything and always told me they'd love to meet their 'human-in-law'." The boy laughed again, louder this time. I swear, my heart isn't going to survive this.

"Alright, but first, let's meet properly", he said as he sat up straight and turned towards me. "Hello, my name is Jeong Yunho, nice to meet you."

"Song Mingi, nice to meet you too", I said, smiling brightly as Yunho gave me a wide smile. "I don't think I will survive if you keep being this beautiful," I dramatically said, pouting a bit. Yunho's beautiful laughter filled my ears, making me smile even wider, if that was even possible at this point. After that, we stayed in the café for a while, I was helping Yunho a bit with his homework. Well, trying to help since he was a year above me. We also cuddled a bit and talked about random stuff, getting to know each other. 

It was already dark when we left the café. "Please, come with me, I want to leave immediately to your place after I tell my parents about you being my soulmate," Yunho said, I nodded and he grabbed my hand, walking us to a motorcycle. He grabbed the helmet out of the back pack he was carrying and put it on my head. He then got on the motorcycle and patted the space behind him.

"You didn't tell me you have a motorcycle," I said with a pout as I sat down.

"Well, now you know", Yunho said. "Hold on tight," he said, grabbing my arms and wrapping them around his waist. When he was sure I was seated safely, he started the motorcycle and headed to his house.

A few minutes later Yunho stopped in front of a house, which I assumed was his. He got off the motorcycle and turned towards me, taking off the helmet and holding it under his arm. "Let's go inside, normally my parents will be inside." I nodded and took his hand, making him smile as we walked inside the house. Two very snobby looking adults were seated in the couch. The living room looked as if it was being cleaned every 5 minutes. Yunho tightened his grip on my hand. I started rubbing my thumb over his knuckles a bit, seemingly calming him down. He then cleared his throat, making the two adults look at him.

"Yunho, what is this?" The woman, which I assumed was his mother, asked immediately when she saw me. "WHY ARE YOU HOLDING THAT BOY'S HAND??? WERE WE NOT CLEAR ENOUGH ABOUT THE RULES IN THIS HOUSEHOLD???" She then yelled, turning red from anger.

"Very clear, I'd like to introduce you to my soulmate. I'm leaving now, the 'faggot' signing out," Yunho said with a fake sweet smile before turning around and walking away, still holding my hand. As we walked out of the house, I could hear his parents yell horrible things at him, he seemed to ignore them, but I knew he cared about the things his parents said. 

We got on the motorcycle and I gave him the directions to my house. Soon we arrived, got off the motorcycle and went inside my house. My parents were already asleep, but since Yunho and I weren't tired yet, we decided to cuddle on the couch for a bit, ignoring that it was 1 am already. While we cuddled, I was whispering all the things I already adored about him, knowing that soon there'd probably be added another thousands of things to that list. About an hour later, we had both dozed off, on the couch, in each other's arms.


A/N: this chapter is a filler and yet longer than the other 3 chapters, damn

my Yungi shipper jumped out I guess, oops???

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