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A/N: before I start I wanna thank you all for reading this and supporting this fanfic, I love every single one of you and hope you all are enjoying this fanfic <3 (prepare for a fluffy chapter) (for those who are confused about the map above, it's a screenshot from the demographics of this story, showing in which country you guys are (the blue-er, the more readers))

Wooyoung POV;

I barely woke up and my day was already really chaotic. To start it off, Yeosang had woken me up at 3 pm. San was nowhere to be found and thanks to Jongho the bathroom was a dangerous place to enter. The smell coming from there could kill anything. Currently I was putting on some clothes Yeosang had given me, when I asked why, I got this as response: "No questions. Put on those clothes or Imma eat all your snacks."

When I finished putting on the clothes, Yeosang gave me a choker and some earrings. I decided to not ask any questions this time and to just put it on. Everything to save my snacks. As soon as I finished putting on the choker and putting in the earrings, my arm tingled. It's been a while since I've felt that feeling. Ever since San and I met four years ago, we've been living together. San works from home and I still work at the coffee shop, when we miss each other we just called.

"Don't look yet", Yeosang said. I was confused, how did he know that San was using the skin bond. "Oof, you look hot, San won't survive."

A few seconds later Jongho got a notification

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A few seconds later Jongho got a notification. "You can look", he said. I was confused but looked at my left arm. A map was drawn on it. I was about to question it when Jongho started speaking again. "No questions, follow the map and find the treasure at the end of it."

"Okay??" I said. Yeosang then grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the front door. He let go of my arm again, went inside and locked the door. Nice, my best friend locked me out of my own house. "IF Y'ALL ARE GONNA DO THE NASTY, DON'T DO IT IN MY HOUSE!" I yelled before looking down at my arm and deciding to follow the map.

After a few minutes of walking I entered a hotel. A person who I recognized as Seonghwa's soulmate stood there. "Hi Wooyoung, how are you doing?" Hongjoong asked.

"I'm doing great, you?"

"Me too. You're expected at the tenth floor, by the way", Hongjoong said.

"I really want to know what's going on but you probably won't tell me", I said, getting confused again as I felt the tingling on my arm again.

"You'll see, now get in the elevator, unless you wanna take the stairs all the way to the tenth floor", Hongjoong said.

Damn, what is it with everyone wanting me to do things today??? I sighed and got into the elevator, not wanting to even think about using the stairs to go all the way up to the tenth floor. When the elevator went up, I looked down at my arm again and saw a new map. This time there was a red X on the map, in the previous map the X was the same color as the other ink.

I was trying to figure out what was happening when I heard a 'TING', indicating I had arrived at the tenth floor. I stepped out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened and started following the map. The map led me through an empty room, into another one, which was also empty, but in this one there was a huge jar filled with paper standing in the middle. I walked towards it and opened it, taking one of the papers out of it.

I adore the way your eyes light up when you're talking about something you love

I smiled and took out another paper.

I love your voice

I smiled even more and continued taking the papers out of the jar. The last paper was glued on the bottom of the jar. In huge letters there was written "I love you, Jung Wooyoung". I was blushing a bit while putting the letters back and going on to the next room.

I entered the room and looked around with a huge smile on my face, the room was filled with pictures. I recognized most of the pictures, some I didn't even recall taking or being taken. There were pictures we had taken on our first date, pictures we had randomly taken whenever we went out. A lot of memories flooded back to me and without even realizing it, a tear rolled down my cheek. Not a sad tear, of course, it was a happy tear. I wiped it away and went on to the next room, wanting to know what was going on and why San had prepared all of this.

I entered the next room and it was filled with small papers. As I started reading them, I saw it were things I said or wrote through the skin bond to San. Things about the future.

I can't wait to finally meet you

I went on to the next paper.

Shall we adopt kids later on or nah?

I giggled a bit. I still want to adopt with San, but I'm just scared our kids will get an overdose dad jokes. I continued to read all the papers. When I finished, I noticed it was already dark outside. I took a deep breath and looked at my left arm again, seeing there were no rooms left, only the red X at the end of the map. The X would be outside.

I followed the map and stopped right in front of a door that led to a balcony. I slowly opened and saw that the balcony was decorated. Small lights hanging on the fence thingy that marked the end of the balcony, a lot of pillows and blankets spread over a couch that stood against a wall. San was sitting on the couch and stood up when I entered the balcony. He looked amazing and seemed to be a bit nervous.

 He looked amazing and seemed to be a bit nervous

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"Hi, Woo", San said, walking to me and wrapping his arms around my waist, giving me a soft kiss. I smiled and kissed back. After a few seconds we parted.

"Hi, Sannie," I said, blushing a bit. I could see a faint blush on my soulmate's cheeks as well, it was hard to see because the only source of light were the small lights that were hanging on the fence thingy, but I could still see the blush. "Am I finally allowed to know what all this is about?"

San nodded and let go of my waist and kneeling down in front of me. He grabbed a small box out of his pocket and opened it, revealing a ring in it. "Jung Wooyoung, will you make me the happiest man alive and become my husband?"

I was crying at this point and didn't know how to talk anymore. I just nodded, and knelt down, hugging my soon to be husband.


A/N: I'm drowning in cheese and crying, but here's a chapter, love y'all <3

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