The Wolf Boy

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Fandom/genre: none/fantasy or modern sci-fi?

Name: Conrad

Age: 14-19, depending on which one you'd like

Gender: male

Personality: silent and obedient, he won't bat an eye at illegal activity. Because of what has happened to him, he can only think of himself as a servant. However, he could grow out of this when he's loved enough. Then he's a loyal pup who would always be by your side. He doesn't mind sleeping on the floor, though he'd really enjoy the bed.

Appearance: just add a hoodie and you got him.

(Not my art)

Background: treated like a pet from the very beginning, he barely had any hope in his life

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Background: treated like a pet from the very beginning, he barely had any hope in his life. He was abused in almost every form, though he stayed only because he was lied to that anyone trying to "help" are trying to kill him. Eventually, he was done and started escaping his home for short periods of time, still trying to avoid people as he explored his life. Soon, his parents put a shock collar on him, but it didn't stop his rebellious nature. However, it was short-lived, and his escapes were becoming less frequent after each escape. Fortunately, this is where you come in.

Sexuality: pan

Species: wolf Neko


1. You have moved into an apartment complex. Next door, there seems to always be activity at night. You hear physical fights and *cough cough* late night performances. You've seen the neighbor drunk almost every night, along with his girlfriend. After it's all over, you see a third individual either limp or run out the door. For all you know, it could be their son, though there was something peculiar about him. You had a feeling he was getting hurt, but you never knew how bad. Before you can ask him, he was gone or growling at you to stay away. This was the only other time he was seen. One day, you were walking down the street when a blur jumps in front of you. Before you realize who it is, the individual was running down the street and away from a cop that was struggling over the fence. You then realize this is the same guy you see every night, just with a hoodie on.

2. You've lived in the neighborhood all of your life. You saw this one man in a nearby apartment complex with a beer everyday with his girlfriend. One night, you were up and walking around when you see a guy crying on the side of the street. He has a hoodie on, so you can't see who it is. You try asking him, but he growls at you harshly. You were about to leave when you see something on his neck lighting up and he freezes up.

3. You hear someone in an alleyway eating like the person hasn't eaten in weeks. You went over to the source and you see someone taking food from a large garbage bin and eating it. Some of it was left completely exposed, but he was eating it.

4. Make it up

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