Chapter 207 - Date Night

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"Hey sleep well?" Clara asked as Eva came down Saturday morning for breakfast.

"Not too bad." She smiled at her mother before sitting at the table with her. Clara was cutting up a pancake for Emilia to eat. Even though Emilia was trying to just stuff all of it into her face.

"Forget about last night that wasn't your dad, he drank too much ok? Everything will be normal you know? I'm just not going to try and be his friend. We are going to be co-parents and nothing more." Clara explained.

"That makes sense." Eva laughed. "I just want to forget about yesterday."

"Don't we all." Chris said handing Eva a plate with pancakes on.

"Thank you. Yeah I bet you really want to..." Eva laughed at Chris.

"He was drunk I didn't take any of it to heart." He rolled his eyes.

"Good cause dad isn't like that usually." Eva shrugged.

- - - - -

"Richard and lily are flying to Paris today... I cannot wait until we get that call later." Clara grinned at Eva as they sat in the living room together.

"Gosh then she'll have a wedding to plan." Eva smiled.

"God yeah..." Clara sighed. "I didn't think about that."

"That'll be exciting though and maybe Emilia could be a flower girl? She might be able to walk by the time they get married." Eva laughed.

"Ah yes." Clara smiled looking over at Emilia who was half playing with toys in the corner of the room and half watching the tv.

"Oh uh honey I wanted to talk to you about the last few days." Clara added.

"Oh mum you don't need to..." Eva shook her head.

"No while Chris isn't here you and I need to speak. You know I love your dad but I think you were right you know? Keeping my distance from him is going to be the only option and I shouldn't have shot you down so quickly." Clara explained.

"You know I will totally support you no matter what." Eva smiled.

"Yeah." Clara laughed. "I love you so much kid." She smiled.

"I love you too mum." Eva nodded and the spent some time talking through the last few days of their life.

- - - - -

"Oh my god it's lily." Clara slapped her hand down on her phone as they were having dinner that night. Her, Eva and Emilia. Chris was out.

"This is so exciting." Eva squeaked as Clara picked up the phone.

"You knew." Lily laughed as Clara answered.

"Knew what?" Clara smiled at Eva while she spoke to lily.

"Richard proposed." Lily announced very excited.

"Oh my god that's amazing!" Clara said excitedly.

"Don't pretend you don't know. This ring is beautiful thank you." Lily laughed over the phone.

"I don't know what the ring looks like." Clara lied. "So did you say yes?"

"Of course I said yes Clara! And I know you helped him with the ring you knew exactly what I wanted. Thank you." Lily laughed.

"I don't know what you're talking about that was all Richard. I definitely didn't take him to 12 different jewellery shops to find the right one." Clara giggled.

"Well thanks anyway." Lily said happily.

"Congratulations." She said.

"Thanks Clara."

"This is so exciting I can't wait." Clara said.

"Me too, oh Richard says hi but we have to go now..." Lily said suddenly.

"Alright enjoy the rest of your trip." Clara said before they hung up.

- - - - -

"Did I tell you that Lily and Richard are engaged? Officially now." Clara said as she was doing some chores around the house as Christopher made dinner.

"Oh no you didn't. Did say congrats from me?" He asked.

"Yeah of course. I thought we would get them a card and little present anyway right?" Clara smiled.

"Yeah sounds good." Chris nodded.

It was just them and Emilia for dinner tonight. Eva was at Alicia's and planning on sleeping over there too.

"Hey it's been a long time since it was just us two..." Chris laughed.

"Yep, without John taking the kids for the weekend it's been hard to get any alone time. Especially with lily and Richard being away... Lily would usually take Emilia every now and then." Clara smiled stopping what she was doing in the kitchen/dining area.

"Well something is nothing." Chris smiled kissing her quickly.

"How about I try and put Emilia down quick and then we can watch a movie together like a date night or something? I'd say have wine but I can't..." she moaned, she did enjoy a drink so being pregnant was hard.

"That sounds nice. She could pretty much eat right now most of her food is done. We're only going to chop it up anyway I can just add more to her plate if somethings not done cooking." Chris explained.

"Alright I'll put my laptop away and grab her from the playroom." Clara smiled.

They had started to call this small room which was probably made to keep utilities in like washing machines and stuff in except they had all that in the kitchen so it was an empty room which became a play room.

It was right next to the kitchen and it had baby gates in the doors and nothing that Emilia could hurt herself on.

Though she had mastered trying to use things to climb on top of the baby gates but they bought higher gates.

"Emilia it is dinner time." Clara smiled seeing her 11 month old baby sat really happily with an iPad playing peppa pig with tears in her eyes.

Emilia has lost it about 30 minutes ago because Clara was busy tidying the house and doing work on her laptop she couldn't hold Emilia and play with her constantly so she balled her eyes out screaming mama at the top of voice and the only thing to fix it seemed to be when Clara put Peppa pig on an iPad in front of her.

"Ah wipe those tears away." Clara pouted at her picking her up from the floor and carrying her through to the kitchen.

Her eyes were just full of tears where she had been crying but she was happy now.

"That's what you get having a baby that is so attached to her mother... was Eva like that?" He asked.

"Not at all. She was just an innocent little one. She didn't mind being by herself and just playing or reading to be honest." Clara smiled.

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