Chapter 212 - Business Trip

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I'm so sorry I've been so inactive on this book! It's been like 2 months since an upload but I've just been working on other books at the moment! I'm going to try and upload more in this one now though. Stay safe everyone.

"Hey babe." Clara said as Chris got home from work the day.

"Eva already home? I tried to text her to see if she needed a ride but I left pretty late." He shrugged his coat of at the door.

"She got a home a little while ago. She's sulking about her dad at the moment so don't bring him up." Clara warned him.

"What's going on there?" Chris sighed.

"Well Emilia is at johns this entire weekend for the first time in a little while and Eva is struggling to decide whether to go or not." She explained.

"Right." He nodded.

"Okay I'm going." Eva appeared downstairs suddenly with a bag.

"Looks like she's made up her mind." Chris glances across at Clara.

"Hold on." Clara smirked.

"Or should I?" Eva sighed putting the bag down. "Maybe I should wait and go next time."

"She's done this five times already." Clara smiled across at Chris.

"Eva go to your dads." Chris sighed picking up Eva's bag and handing it to her.


"Because you clearly want to. Be mature about this and accept his apology." Chris nodded.

It was good to hear it from him because it was Chris that made John go crazy in the first place.

"Fine yeah... I'll go." Eva nodded. "Can I get a ride?"

"I'll take you." Clara nodded. "I need to get out of the house."

"I'll start dinner while you're gone." Chris kissed her gently on the lips as she grabbed her keys to the car and went out to get in.

- - - - -

"Everything went ok?" Chris asked as Clara returned from dropping Eva off at John's.

"Yeah, fine. She's all good." Clara smiled kissing Chris quickly before sitting down ready for food already laid out on the table.

"I'm glad." He nodded.

"Thanks for doing all this." She pouted seeing the effort he put into making dinner for them.

"Anytime." Chris smiled.

"Oh so I got a call from the doctors, my appointment is moved to 3:30 on Monday so you can come after school." Clara explained.

"That's amazing. I'm sorry I feel bad, but I want to be there with you and I hate asking to get covers for my classes." Chris explained.

"I totally get it." She shrugged.

"It's summer holiday the next week anyway so I'll be free whenever then." He smiled.

"Yeah Summer holidays used to be such a fun thing and now it means I've got a teenager and a 1 year old at home with me everyday." Clara laughed.

"And me..." Chris smiled.

"Yeah I guess that too!" She giggled.

- - - - -

"Hi." Clara said opening the door and frowning at John stood there. "You know it's not Friday right?" She smirked.

"Yes, I just came to talk to you actually." He shrugged.

"Alright, uh come in." She nodded letting him in the house.

"Well I actually wanted to ask you something..." John started.

"Okay, shoot." Clara said leading him through into the kitchen to make tea.

"I wanted your permission to take the girls on holiday for a week, maybe ten days, two weeks tops." John preposed.

Clara couldn't help but laugh.

"What?" He frowned.

"No." She laughed again.

"You're not even going to think about it?" John asked.

"I already have. I thought no." Clara shrugged.

"I really think the girls would love a holiday this year and Even better it'll give you a break while your pregnant." John encouraged her.

"And where do you want to go?" Clara asked.

"I thought, maybe, Paris?" He squinted waiting for her response.

"Oh so you want to take them on a business trip?" She scoffed.

"No, no... a holiday." He sighed.

"Come on John I've know you for 20 years, what's the catch?" Clara rolled her eyes.

"I have to go on business to Paris for a day or two. Its going to fall right when we arranged for me to have the girls for a week at my house in the summer holidays." John sighed.

"Ah I see. I was right, a business trip." Clara laughed knowing she was always right.

"I just have to check up on that office, I haven't been there since early this year and I need a day or two to check it over. The rest of the time I'd spend with girls and we'd go see tourist things..." John was practically begging now.

"John I cant let you take my 1 year old to Paris." Clara shook her head.

"Okay, Eva? She's almost 18 she can make her own decisions." John asked.

"I guess, you can ask her." Clara sighed.

- - - - -

"Are you going to find out the gender?" Eva asked her mother over breakfast one morning.

"I think I'll leave it as a surprise you know? I did that with you and it was fun. With Emilia I was desperate to know so I could name her before she was born but this time around I think I'm going to leave it." Clara explained.

"Fun!" Eva smiled.

"I don't want to know." Chris shrugged. "Even if you decide to find out, don't tell me."

"Yeah Chris really doesn't want to know." Clara laughed at him with Eva.

"Yeah I want the surprise." He smirked.

"It's fine babe, I get it. But it does make me laugh because you're so desperate for it to be a boy I'm surprised you don't just want to find out now." Clara laughed.

"Excuse me I don't care what gender it is as long as it is happy and healthy. I just think it would be nice to have another boy around this house..." he smiled. "I'd love a girl all the same."

"You mean you don't love having three females in the house?" Eva mocked him.

"Well how do I say it nicely?" Chris teased. "Emilia isn't old enough to annoy me yet."

"Oh so we annoy you?" Clara smirked.

"See you're doing it now. You use your girl powers or whatever to team up on me." Chris laughed.

"Girl powers?" Eva scoffed.

"Whatever!" He smiled.

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