Chapter 209 - 1st Birthday

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Christmas Eve. One of the best Christmases in Clara's and Eva's life so far. They'd just found out that Eva had been accepted with a full scholarship into the best school in London and now it was the most wonderful time of the year.

They were surrounded by family and so Clara got to brag about Eva's accomplishment. It was only Clara's Gran, Linda's family and a few aunts and uncles that had all gone round to Clara's dads house for Christmas Eve.

Nick was with them over Christmas so they had a small family until which seemed to please the judging family who never approved that Clara and John didn't get married when Eva was born.

"Yeah I'm so proud of my Eva." Clara smiled sitting cuddled next to nick on the sofa while talking to her gran. The only family member she cared to talk to.

Eva was playing with one Linda's sisters kids who was about 3 years old and Eva was 11 so she enjoyed being older and looking after her.

They opened presents and of course the kids got mostly toys while adults got socks and pyjamas.

Then weirdly Nick stood up and said he had a gift so Clara stood up beside him starting to search under the tree for another gift that she didn't recall.

Suddenly Nick was down on one knee. He was proposing to her with the most beautiful ring, in front of all her family.

So she said yes.

- - - - -

"I cannot believe that a year ago today I had my little girl." Clara pouted as she was laying in bed with Christopher waiting to get up and get Emilia.

"I cannot believe she's one already." Chris smiled looking over at Clara.

"It seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital with her." Clara breathed. "And now I'm doing it all over again..." she gently rested her hand on the small bump.

"I can't wait." He kissed her cheek while getting out of bed, "come on, let's go get the birthday girl."

"I'll grab Eva," Clara said standing up as Chris went to put some clothes on. He only slept in his underwear so he always chucked on some sweats to have breakfast.

"Ave," Clara knocked on her door.

"I'll be down in a sec." Eva called.

"Alright." Clara said as then went along the hall to Emilia's room where she saw Chris coming up behind her and they went into her room together. "Happy Birthday Emilia." Clara said walking over to her crib.

Emilia was facedown asleep and she turned slightly trying to lift herself up and instantly at the sight of Clara her face went into a big smile. "Good morning Emilia. It's your birthday." Chris smiled at her.

"You're one!" Clara gently lifted her out of the crib and rested her on her hip.

Emilia was rubbing her eyes and was still half asleep as she cradled against her mother tiredly.

"Aw she's so cute." Chris smiled. "Shall I start breakfast?"

"Yeah I'll be down in a sec I'll just change her first." Clara nodded gently stroking Emilia's back as she was rubbing eyes and head tiredly against Clara's body.

- - - - -

"You're engaged." Lily's face lit up.

"Yeah I am." Clara smiled after just having showed her the ring. It was Boxing Day and they had the tradition of spending it with each other. Lily always came over and they ate loads of food together. Nick had popped out to get some more food before the shops shut again so they were alone.

"Were you surprised?" Lily asked.

"So surprised. I mean I love him and Nick has been amazing with Eva and moving into this tiny flat with me because I love it here so much but I did not see a proposal coming at all." Clara explained.

"But you're happy?" She smiled.

"Yes totally happy." Clara laughed. "Now I have to plan a wedding..."

"Oh cool, have you thought about when?" Lily asked.

"Well I know it only happened yesterday but we did talk about it and we said maybe next autumn/winter." Clara smiled. "It wouldn't be a large thing or anything just a small service and party afterwards."

"Amazing. Winter wedding sounds fun!" Lily smiled. "Hows Eva with it all?"

"Well actually funny you mention that. Eva knew already..." Clara breathed.

"What?" Lily frowned.

"Well Nick asked my dad for permission a while back but apparently the thing nick was most concerned for was Eva. One night he sat down and had this totally chill conversation with her about whether she thought it would be ok if he asked me to marry him. Apparently Eva was happy about it and said she loved the idea." Clara explained.

"That is the cutest thing I've ever heard." Lily grinned.

"Isn't it?" Clara breathed.

"You've got a good one Clar." Lily nodded.

"I think I do."

- - - - -

"Happy Birthday Emilia." Eva said kissing her baby sisters head as she came to breakfast in her pyjamas. Emilia was in her highchair currently biting down on pancakes that Chris was making.

"We waited for you to do presents." Clara smiled at Eva as she sat down at the kitchen table.

"Thanks." Eva smiled.

"I know they're kinda pointless because she won't remember but I only got her things that are practical and I bought like 3 gifts so..." Clara laughed pushing them onto the table.

"Here I'll help her open them." Chris said kneeling down next to Emilia in her highchair as she was just chewing on the one present in front of her at that moment.

"Is that yummy?" Clara laughed.

"Wow look at that Emilia it's a pair of shoes... maybe you'll start to walk soon." Chris said unwrapping the present in front of her.

"Oo They are pretty," Eva smiled looking over at the baby shoes.

"And look it's peppa pig." Chris said handing her the next present which was a stuffed toy of peppa pig, which she loved and watched non-stop.

"Her favourite of course." Clara smiled.

Chris opened the third present which was actually quite big and sat on the table. He ripped it open but Emilia was too fascinated with the toys to care.

It was a walker toy, something she could use to help her learn to walk. Clara glanced at Chris and he knew then that he would be the one to have to assemble this.

"Gosh when she can walk my life will be so much easier." Clara breathed.

"She's close. She crawls everywhere and stands up in a second if she's holding onto the something." Eva smiled.

"Yeah just needs a little more help." Clara smiled.

"Right I'll get this one built for you Emilia before your party starts..." Christopher said lifting the box down off the table.

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