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2011, Johnston Elementary.


"Paigion." I opened my eyes and lifted my head as someone called my name. I was in the middle of taking a nap. I been tired since the beginning of the day and glad we're about to go home cause I am in need of my bed. I look around until my eyes landed on my best friend, Ariel.

She had a note in her hand and I already know whose it from.

I rolled my eyes and fully turn towards her in my desk.
She smiled at me as I grabbed the note, flipping it open.

"You look beautiful in your purple cardigan."
I read to myself and look at Jakobe who was waving and smiling at me like an idiot. I had to give him that usual fake smile.

He's been liking me ever since I got enrolled in this school and I don't know how many times I've denied it. I can't imagine dating someone who wears glasses and watch superhero cartoons.

Ariel giggled as I turn around in my seat, placing the note along with the others. My desk was almost full. Too full to where I can't even close it.

"Best friend, give him a chance." Ariel pouted, encouraging me.

When the bell rung and the students begin to leave, I shook my head as I threw my Lisa Frank backpack around my shoulder.

"Please?" Ariel folded her hands.

I shook my head as I scrunched up my face.

We got on the bus which was right in front when we came out. I went back to my assigned seat and sat my backpack on the floor.

I felt Ariel sat next to me and knowing she got that same look on her face. "For the last time —" I gasped when I find out it wasn't Ariel.

Jakobe smiled and waves at me.
"Hi, Paigion."

I could hear Ariel across from me giggling.
Lord, please remove him away from me.

I roughly slam my head against the window and let out a groan as our bus driver begins to leave once the bus got full with the students.

I look out of my window as we passed by beautiful homes and a gas station. I've been living in Country Club Hills for a year. It wasn't like my hometown Evergreen Park but to my mom, it was a new start for us.

"Have you read my note?" I shuddered inside at the sound of his voice. It puts me in the mind of Jordan, you know the boy from The Bernie Mac Show?

"Yeah, I've read it." I replied as the bus driver made a turn. I wish it was my stop.

"Cool! I just had to let you know that you always look beautiful whenever I see you." When he said that, Ariel went aww and I lean forward to glare at her.

She was eating fruit gushers and waved.
"Give him a chance."
She mouthed.

I rolled my eyes and went back to looking at the window.

Jakobe has been talking my ear off as the bus driver continues to drop off students at their stop. I was so busy thinking about what I'm going to do when I get home, I didn't bother hearing him talk about the shows he watched or anything else.

When it came to my stop, the bus driver said goodbye and I smiled at her as I got off.

Walking to my house, I could hear dogs barking in the distance and my purple Doc Martens crushing the leaves that had fall from the trees. Entering my house, I could hear the TV on in the living room.

It gave me an indication that my mom is home.
"Hey GiGi." She greeted.

I entered the living room and walk around the couch as I sat next to her. I laid my head on my shoulder, she places a kiss on my forehead.

She was watching an episode of Blue Bloods.

"You had a good day?" She asked. My eyes were planted on the screen as I nodded my head.

After watching the show for a few minutes, I entered my bedroom and threw my backpack against the closet. My plan was to go to sleep but I had to do my homework before doing that.

Sitting on my floor, I unzipped my backpack and grabbed my social studies book when a folded piece of paper came flying out.

Another note? Oh gosh.

I slammed my book against the floor and open the note.

"I hope you realize that I really like you and it's true. ❤"

Reading those words made me ripped the note in pieces.
I know I may be harsh but I will never. Never, never, never! Like him.

What are your thoughts on this opening?

Keep or delete?

Excuse any errors, like I said, I'm not the best.

Lots of love, Deanna/Dee. 💜

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