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the song for this chapter is:
afraid - the neighbourhood

"I used to hate highschool too." He agreed. I never thought he would. He seemed to be happy about everything.

"Just think about how independent you'll be when you get out. That's what pushed me through" He said, letting out a cloud of smoke.

"In what college are you in?" I was curious. I pulled out the pack of cigarettes and took other one since I finished the first one.

"Parsons. I was gonna gradute in Fine Arts." His expression changed. He suddenly looked dissapointed.

"Was?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I dropped school to dedictate to my music. Everybody said I had a bright future. They think I ruined it all." He looked down, ashamed of himself. I knew a lot of people did that. Poor guy, he probably thought he would make it, but the chance to be famous in the music industry is one in a million.

"I know how it is to have a dream that no one supports." I sighed.

"What is your dream?" His face went from sad, to curious. It was amazing how fast he could change moods.

"It's getting late, I think I should go home." I wasn't sure of sharing that part of me yet. I'm not that kind of person that tells everyhing about their to others. The least you know, the best.

"It was nice meeting you Ashton." I nodded with a smile. It was 1am and I was tired. I wanted to go home and sleep. I grabbed my stuff and stood up.

"Wait." He stood up quicky. "Do you want me to walk you home?" He threw away his cigarette waiting for me to answer.

"If you want." I didn't had a problem with him walking me home. My parents were both somewhere else, just like any other day. It's not like they actually care anyways.

"Of course." He nodded. He gave me back my sunglasses since he still had them in his hands. I put them on again and kept walking.

"Where do you live?" We still had this moments of silence. I was honestly shy when it comes to meeting people, or just talk. I'm not an open book. It's hard for me to trust someone, so it's not like I'm gonna tell him everything about me.

"Really close, the apartment it's just 7 blocks away." I said after walking 2 blocks. He kept following me, not sure of what to do. I had a hard time looking for something to talk about since I just met this guy. As I said I don't usually talk to guys, it kind of felt weird when I did.

"So, do you play the guitar or something?" The only sound you could hear was our steps and some cars passing by.

"Yeah, I actually play the drums, but I know how to play the bass and the guitar." He said proud of himself.

"Nice, we have a drummer over here." I think that explained his big ass arms. There's no way in hell he could do that at a gym.

"That's right." He smiled. The only thing he could do was smile. There's no way to explain how beautiful his smile was. I admired how much he smiled since it was hard for me to do it.

"Do you play an instrument?" He asked me.

"Oh god no." I loved listening to music that's a fact, but I'm not the musical type that plays everything. The only thing I do is lay in bed and listen to music. Of course I'd love to play guitar, but I don't think I have the patience to do it. I just like the things fast. I don't like waiting for stuff to happen.

After a long time talking about Ashton's love for the drums, we got home. I took my keys and opened the apartment. There was no one inside. Ashton stood outside, waiting for me to close the door, or say goodbye. I looked at him before speaking.

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