basket case

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she was done. it was hard for her to keep trying to be someone she's not. she walked around the park and sat down in the grass. the tears were streaming down her face and so was her mascara.

she took her earphones out of her pocket and plugged them in her phone, turning up the volume while scrolling through the playlists. she felt nothing. somehow she was used to it thought.

she knew that crying wouldn't solve anything, but she didn't mind. she pulled out a pack of cigarettes, took one and lit it, feeling the need of tobacco in her mouth. her face was all soaked in tears, and the fact that she put on makeup wasn't really helping.

after a long time listening to music, she took a deep breath, throwing away her cigarette. she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. when she turned around, a guy was sitting next to her. she was confused. the only thing she saw was his lips. his lips where moving, but there was no sound comming out of them.

she unplugged her earphones and answered.
"what ?"

"are you okay?" he said trying to comfort her. she wipped her face before speaking.

"do you give a fuck ?" she rolled her eyes and looked away. who was this guy ? the only thing she wanted was to be alone. the park was the only place she could be alone. she liked to go to the park really late. there was no one around and she could just be in her own.

"do you think i'd ask if i didn't care ?" he gave her a warm smile, ignoring the mean words that came out of her mouth.

"who the fuck are you ?" she frowned. she was crepped out, it was late for him to be there. everybody was supposed to be asleep at that time.

he gave her a cheeky smile

she hated how beautiful his smile was. she usually hated how everybody except her seemed to be happy.

"it's really late, why are you alone ? aren't you supposed to be home ?"
she looked at him before speaking.

"i don't know you." she dudged his question and plugged her earphones in her phone again, hoping he would just walk away.

before she could choose the song she wanted to listen, the guy asked something else.

"you like green day ?" he sounded surprised.

"yes i do." she played the song and turned up the volume of her earphones.

"so do i." he unplugged her earphones and turned up the volume so he could hear the music too.

"what the hell ?"

"basket case is my favorite song." he looked at her. he still had her phone in his hands.
she couldn't ignore how big his hands were.

"good for you. now give me my phone and leave me alone for god's sake." she was tired, the only thing she wanted was her music. it was the only thing she could count on. the only thing that she truly loved.

he looked at her with an innocent face. it was impossible to be mean to a guy like him.

"look, i'm sorry. i'm just not in the mood, i had a terrible day." she put her hands on her face.

"don't be, i'm the one that creeped you out"

for the first time in ages she smiled. he knew it was a true, honest smile. he liked the way her cheeks turned pink. the way her dimples were on sight. the way her perfect smile was not hidden.

"why are you so nice to me ?" she said after a moment of silence.

"why shouldn't i ?"

"i don't think i deserve it"

"i think you do."

she felt her eyes get watery.


woah she needs to chill

basically each chapter is a song

u can listen to the song while u read the chapter

i'll put the name of the song and the artist at the end of the chapters if you wanna listen to it

peace chicken grease nipples

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