chapter 6 ♥♥♥

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TORI'S POV: i knew jade was following me so i locked myself up in a closet i heard jades footsteps but then she was gone i decided i could cry here no one to comfort me or help me trough i was just so pathetic why can't i be happy for ones in my life my parents are dead i have a sister who doesn't really love me cuz i am a bitch i have friends but when i need them .......... i just don't get it am i that horrible do i deserve this am i really that bad to deserve that my parents are dead my bf is cheating my friends aren't here and i might look strong but i'm really not i'm scared of everything everyone thinks that i have a perfect life and that i have everything figured out but i have really no idea of what i would do now .......

Freddie's pov: am i wrong or did i heard someone crying in the closet. werid. should i open it. i will.

Freddie came in the closet and saw tori was the one who was crying he tried to comfort her.

'hey tori whats wrong' 'why you care i'm not you re friend' ' first off all that was very very mean and second i don't like to see people crying' 'i'm sorry i didn't meant what i said i'm just upset' 'why are you so upset' ' you know beck right' yes he is also not very nice to me' 'hey i said i was sorry but anyway he cheated on me' 'HE WHAT' ' he cheated on me okay' ' IS HE SUCH A F******* ASSHOLE TO CHEAT ON YOU HOW CAN SOMEONE CHEAT ON YOU YOU'RE BRAVE BEAUTIFUL SMART THE BEST F****** GIRLFRIEND EVER' 'thx that helps allot you're talking like you really know me' 'cuz i know you're a good person inside even when you sometimes act like you are a bitch but it's just because your hurt and i get why i would been hurt to' 'thx Fred i thought you where just a nerd with no brain but your a great friend and i think your a great guy' 'thx' 'your welcome'

-tori hugged Freddie-

'bye fred' 'bye tori'

did she just hugged me omfg that was amazing i so love her and if someone tries to hurt her again i let him or she see what i can do poor tori i think i might stop by with ice cream later i heard that helps healing a broken heart

sorry that its short next chapter will be longer and there will be some jori fori and maybe evenn some bori in it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love ya

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