Chapter 2.

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Waking up the next morning my body was aching all over and I was very hungry. Deciding that the little I carried from the pack was not enough to satisfy my hunger and give me enough strength to continue running I decided to hunt for my breakfast.

Getting out of the cave, I could smell the fresh air of the forest which made me forget for a minute what I was going to do and I could hear the birds chirping as the sun began to rise in the horizon creating a beautiful glow within the trees. The forest has always been my escape as it always calms me down from its beauty.

Looking around the area for something I could hunt, I changed into my wolf because she was much better at hunting than my human form. "Ready for this Amazon?" I asked my wolf. "Definitely I always enjoy a good hunt." She replied back. She loved being let free and run around the forest but due to me always being restricted on what to do I rarely shifted while I was living in the pack house so I know she is enjoying the little freedom.

Smelling around I tracked a rabbit and stalking it from its hide out I managed to catch it. As we were getting ready to take back my catch to the safety of the cave Amazon heard something, "Alex did you hear that?" my wolf asked alert. At first I heard nothing but after a few seconds of listening I heard a whimper and we decided to check it out.

Moving towards the direction of the whimper I found a small pup shivering under the roots of a tree. "Hello there. What are you doing here all alone? "I asked but the pup just cowered away from me and continued whining at the base. Seeing that the pup would not talk to me I decided to do it the hard way and carry him to the safety of the cave to try and warm him up and feed him.

Carrying him using his neck I started moving towards the cave but he was continuously trying to get out of my hold which was making me angry as I didn't have much energy also to fight with him when carrying him. "Stop trying to free yourself you won't make it and I'm just trying to get you to safety. I won't harm you I promise." I said through the mind link I knew he could hear me and he calmed down. Thank you I whispered.

Arriving at the cave I placed the pup on one end and shifted to my human self. Getting some wood I began preparing a little fire to warm up the pup and roast some meat. Yeah I know it's odd I'm a wolf and I can't eat raw meat but I can I just choose to have it a bit cooked.

Finally the fire was going and the rabbit was roasting. I looked at the pup and he was still shivering, "come closer to the fire, you will warm up much faster." He obliged and moved closer and I smiled at that. We were just sitting near the fire ensuring that the meat was cooking right and I decided to start a conversation.

"Hey pup, I'm Alex, what's your name?" I was waiting for answer but after a while of waiting and he didn't answer me I just gave up and we sat in silence the sound of cracking fire surrounding us. When the rabbit was well cooked I gave pup the softest parts so he could chew easily while I ate the rest. When I was full, I checked on the pup only to notice he was already asleep, well I guess he was really hungry and tired.

I let the pup sleep for sometime while I stayed awake to keep watch but I had to leave already as I had over stayed my planned time. Deciding to wake the pup up to start moving while thinking what I would do with the pup. "Hey pup, you need to wake up we need to go." I said while shaking him awake. He was startled at first then a look of recognition crossed his face I guess he remembers me I said internally and Amazon just chuckled.

"Do you know where your parents are so I..." - I was interrupted by the pup changing back to his human form a smile on his face. " Hello I'm Jayden. I'm sorry about being rude earlier I was scared you were like other rouges. Thanks for feeding me and taking care of me." He said while wearing some clothes I had found incase he decides to change on our way here earlier. "It's okay Jayden,it's good to know your name and not calling you pup all the time." I said while laughing and he smiled at that.

I decided to ask about the whereabouts of his parents while packing the little I had so as to continue with my journey. " So Jayden what were you doing in the woods alone? Where are your parents so I can take you to them? " I saw his face fall and I assumed that something bad must have happened.

"You know what you don't have to tell me if you don't want to Jay, can I even call you Jay?" I know it's a bad decision not finding out about his parents but I can't force him to tell me something that he doesn't want to and I don't know if I can comfort him if he starts crying so let's say it's killing two birds with one stone.

" Don't you agree Amazon." I asked my wolf.

" No I don't he is just a small kid how can we not be able to comfort him or maybe you are just afraid you will join in the crying too." She said while laughing at me.

I was scowling inwardly, "Shut up Amazon." But she maybe telling the truth I suck at comforting people either I just don't know what to say or I will just join in the crying if the story is too emotional.

" Why the long face Alex? Alex! Alex! Alexis!" I felt someone shaking me.

"Huh! What?" Looking down it was Jayden.

"I've been calling you for a few minutes but you were not answering." Jay said looking at me weirdly.

I tend to get lost in my thoughts and it always made me get into problems especially when I was in the pack. I would bump into a person or mess up with something I was doing which would end up in me being beaten almost to death or starved for longer days and I was still expected to do all the pack chores normally. I don't know how I survived, all I know is that if it were not for Amazon I would have given up a long time ago.

"Hey Alex it's over we are out of that hell hole so stop thinking about that ok. I know it was hard but things are going to be better from here forward." Amazon said comforting me.

"Thank you Amazon, I don't know what I would have done without you. " My wolf has been my best friend, confidant and shoulder to lean on when I felt alone and I can't even express how grateful I am to have such a wonderful wolf.

I heard Jay chuckling and I turned to him asking him what was funny." You got lost again in your thoughts and you even forgot to answer my question."

" Sorry Jay, it's a habit I can't seem to stop. But what was your question?" I enquired at least right now he doesn't seem so scared of me like in the beginning and having some company for the journey was better than walking alone listening to nothing even though the company was a young kid.

" Where are we headed? We have been walking for so long and with no particular destination." We have been walking in the forest for a few hours since we left the cave because my main aim was to get as far away from the my former pack as I could.

Answeing honestly" I honestly have no idea where we are going but I think there is a town up ahead and we will decide what next after we arrive there." He seemed satisfied with my answer as we continued walking in silence my only question being what happened to the Jayden's parents and where they are.

After walking for an hour or so I heard Jayden's stomach growl and I knew he was hungry but he ws trying to go on and he was also tired as his steps seemed more forced than earlier. I think it was time to take a break from the walk for a few minutes to re~energize and eat something.

"Jay we can stop for a few minutes to eat and then continue later." He sighed heavily and collapsed on the ground right where he was muttering finally. I gave him the few snacks I had with me that I carried from the pack house and water.

" Are you not eating anything?" I heard him ask from where he was seated under a tree.

"No I'm not hungry yet, I will eat later on." He muttered an ok and lay flat on the ground. It's true am not hungry but it's from being used to eat little to nothing on a few occasion so my body is already used to staying long hours without eating.

Deciding to also relax a little I checked the surrounding and there were no other rouges nearby and we were not near any pack border so I closed my eyes for a few minutes of peace but I wish I hadn't done so.

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