Chapter 9.

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For next few days I have been joining training with the warriors and sometimes being the trainer.

I won't lie but it has been fun. I have come to know more people and my confidence has risen up a bit but sometimes I still flinch when someone raises their hands but for now it has reduced.

"Hey Alex, I have missed you. You have forgotten all about me since you started training."

That was Liz. We have not being seeing each other frequently as we used to since I was given a break from my normal duties by Andrew since the warriors bugged him until he agreed to allow me to join them in training and border patrols.

"I'm sorry Liz. You know I can't forget you even if I wanted to." I said while we finally reached each other and hugged.

"I know. How can you even forget all this? I am unforgettable." She said pointing at herself and I couldn't help it and started laughing and she joined me after a few minutes.

"So how is the learning coming about?"

That is another thing I have started doing. I thought that if I ever wanted to leave here it would be best to know about the packs around here and also about the royals.

So Andrew has been teaching me in the evenings it has been fun learning and knowing more about the royals and other packs.

"It's going well I think we are almost done." I said.

"That's good. When do you plan to come back and join me at work?" She was looking at me expectantly.

I hate to disappoint her but I don't think I will be staying that long enough to go back to working with her so I just smiled and gave her a vague answer.

"Maybe soon but I don't know when, I'm enjoying the new experience I am getting."

That seemed to be enough for her as she smiled and nodded.

"Alright. I will be waiting. But for now I have to go I have a new house to prepare I heard there is a new family coming in today."

That was one of the parts of working I enjoyed the most and I knew she knew that and she was trying to remind me of the good old days.

"Do you want to join me? I know you loved it." She said with a mischievous smile.

Damn this girl knows how to trap me.

"Okay, I will go but I won't stay long I have to go pick Jay from kindergarten."

"Sure." With that we were off to wherever the house was.

I loved this part of the job because of how we could try to make sure each of the houses would have different interior designs. I think that is where I discovered that I have a passion in interior designing.

When we arrived Liz left me to choose how the house would look like and she brought all the supplies that I needed. After sometime I realized how much time had gone and I needed to leave.

"Liz I am leaving now." I said while walking into the room she was preparing.

Turning towards me, "Its okay. You have helped me enough and I am almost done." She said and hugged me.

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