Chapter 22.

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“Jay?” I asked shocked wondering what was he doing here.

“Hey mom.” He said while I bent down to his level and hugged him.

“How are you here Jay? And where is Gabriel?” I asked pulling away from the hug.

“I will tell you later on. Let’s go.” He said taking my hand and he began pulling me.

“Wait Jay. Where are we going?” I asked.

“You’ll see.” He said.

How does he know his way around this place when I can’t even find my way anywhere here? I let him pull me around and I happily obliged because I was also a bit curious on where he was taking me.

We were now outside and we were headed towards the forest and I was concerned that he would make us get lost since I didn’t know this forest at all.

“Jay wait! Do you know where we are going?” I asked fearing for our safety.

“Yes trust me. Let’s go or we are going to be late.” He said and I was even more confused. What are we going to get late for?

I was trying to mind link Ryker since he said we could do that but I couldn’t seem to reach him and I was getting worried he will get angry if I miss his surprise.

Jay finally broke free and rushed to an open field and when I looked around I wondered why he brought us here since there was nothing.

“Jay.” I called out to him and I saw him look up at one tree which was well hidden and I gasped at what I saw.

There was a tree house and it was illuminated by lanterns around and I wondered why I missed it. Jay pulled down a ladder and began climbing it and I rushed to him. I was wondering how he even knew about it and he just arrived at the castle but I didn’t know I would get my answer soon enough.

When he reached up he called out to me from above, “come on mom.” He said and he beckoned me over and I obliged starting to climb the ladder.

When my head finally entered the tree house I gasped at the sheer size of it and when I turned to one side, I was met with the handsome face of my mate smiling at me.

“Surprise.” They yelled when I was fully inside the tree house all smiles and all I could breathe out was, “how?”

“I will explain later.” Ryker said coming over and hugging me, “do you like it?” he asked and I just nodded still trying to make sense of how this happened.

“Mom, come let’s play.” He said and started pulling out a board game and i looked at Ryker and he nodded and we sat near Jay and began playing.

They seemed quite acquainted with the way Jay was cozying up to him and I couldn’t be any happier.

We had a good time joking and playing around and we also had our dinner here and I was content with the peace of having the most important people happy and getting along well.

“Mom you know I rode Ryker’s wolf when coming here?” Jay said and I looked at Ryker surprised.

“You did?” I asked looking at Ryker and I could see a red tint on his cheek.

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