Updated selfsona (i make waaay to many of these)

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I keep remaking these because I feel like it's not "me" enough.
Ssoooo I've decided to make a selfsona based on Japanese street fashion, called Decora Kei.
It's really colorful, so I toned mine down a bit!
Here's Decora kei fashion:

Such color @w@I love this fashion because you wear whatever makes you happy!There's all sorts of other kei fashion, and Decora kei is just one of the many, MANY types

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Such color @w@
I love this fashion because you wear whatever makes you happy!
There's all sorts of other kei fashion, and Decora kei is just one of the many, MANY types.
Here's mine:

Here's mine:

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I l o v e  t h e  f a c t  t h a t  t h e y  l o o k  l I k e  w a l k I n g  r a I n b o w s

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