6.7 [M]

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the moment you all have been waiting for has finally arrived. for this chapter i recommend:

- holy water
- bible
- a priest's blessing
- securing your wig
- a church where you can proceed to read this and confess your sins


princess 🍑: i'm here

princess 🍑: where are you??

i looked around after reading momo's messages. i spotted her a few feet away from me, her back turned to me. she was looking for me. with a smile plastered on my face i walked over to her, careful not to make any sound. i embraced her from behind when i got to her. she tensed for a moment before looking up at me over her shoulder.

"hello, love." she greeted me with a smile that was so warm it melted my heart.

"hello, princess." i greeted back before leaning down to press a tender kiss to her lips. "how did you know it was me who hugged you and not some creep?" i couldn't help but ask.

"i may or may not stole one of your sweatshirts." her smile turned sheepish. "i recognized you from your scent."

"ah," i said, trying my best impersonation of will smith. "that's hot." my reward for pulling it off was being blessed by momo's soft giggle. 

"i missed this." she turned around in my embrace and wrapped her arms around me. "i missed you."

"i missed you too." after planting a kiss on the top of her head, i pulled away slightly. "are you hungry?"

her eyes sparkled. "i'm starving."

laughing, i took her hand in mine and got a hold of her suitcase with the other. "let's get going then."


"yes, mina i'm safe. yes, jeong picked me up. no, she isn't kidnapping me. what is it with you guys and me being kidnapped? is there something you want to say?"

we were in the car. i was driving to my favorite restaurant while momo was on the phone with mina. "i know. i'm sorry. no~ we did not had sex before calling you."

i turned to her and saw her rolling her eyes. i raised my eyebrow. she caught my movement.

"she doesn't need to know about that." she whispered with a wink. "minari~ let me call you tomorrow, okay? i'm tired~. okay, bye bestie." as soon as the call ended momo let out a groan. "ugh, finally. now i can focus on you."

i smiled and held her hand. "it's fine. she's probably just worried, you know?"

"i know that but it just gets so overwhelming sometimes."

"i can totally relate to you right now." i sighed. "nayeon is like that but not because she's worried about me. she's obsessed with me some reason. it's really annoying." my phone rang. i rolled my eyes. "speak of the devil."

"what do you want, mc rail? and i told you that i'm gonna call you it anyway. no, i'm not at home. no, you can't know my location. for fuck's sake nayeon i did not run off to japan again." i rolled my eyes. momo couldn't help the laugh that escaped her. "hmm? whatever. nayeon, i'd like to keep talking to you but i'm entering a tunnel right now. bye." with that i hung up and turned to momo. "you see what i mean?"

she could only nod and laugh hysterically. apparently my suffering was still amusing to her.


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