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jeongyeon: how come toy hippos are always blue, or purple 

jeongyeon: when real hippos are brown?

"they're supposed to look appealing to children"

"would you buy a brown hippo?"

jeongyeon: no...

jeongyeon: okay here's another question

jeongyeon: do roman paramedics refer to 'IV's as '4's?

"i don't think so"

jeongyeon: okay then 

jeongyeon: how about


jeongyeon: but i didn't even ask it yet???

"go to sleep jeongyeon"

"you can google it all in the morning"

"please let me sleep"

jeongyeon: i'm sorry

jeongyeon: i didn't know i was preventing you from sleeping

"you usually don't"

"i'm just more tired than usual"

jeongyeon: okay

jeongyeon: good night

"good night ♥"

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