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mistakes were made



evil yoda: i think i'm scarred for life

eagle: someone please get me some holy water

nabongs: what happened?

thomas: are you kids alright?

no jam bro: to be fucking honest

no jam bro: no

ms. stealyogirl: i told you guys it was a bad idea

nabongs: will someone please tell me what the fuck happened?

evil yoda: we broke into jeongyeon unnie's apartment

thomas: wtf why

evil yoda: chaeyoung forgot her new earbuds

evil yoda: so we broke in to get them

eagle: it was definitely not worth it

murder ballerina: what's all this fuss about?

ms. stealyogirl: read above minarii

murder ballerina: oh no

murder ballerina: it's hilarious but oh no you poor souls

no jam bro: jeez, thanks a lot mina

nabongs: i'm still waiting for an answer, you know?

thomas: me too

eagle: we'd tell you everything

eagle: but jeongyeon unnie is inviting you over for breakfast

evil yoda: she also wants to be added back into the group

thomas: but we already added her???

"oh yeah didn't notice sorry"

nabongs: maybe you'd notice if you weren't so busy texting your 'girlfriend'

"speaking of momo"

"you guys didn't add her back, right?"

thomas: i was going to but-

nabongs: we'll add her right away

nabongs added princess 🍑 to the chat

princess 🍑: thank you ♥

"so, are you guys coming over for breakfast or what?"

thomas: we'll be there in 20

ms. stealyogirl: aw, damn, i missed my chance at free breakfast

murder ballerina: stop complaining you little snake

ms. stealyogirl: :(

murder ballerina: come on, i'll make you breakfast

ms. stealyogirl: :)


"nayeon, come on, stop sulking."

nayeon turned to look at me. "i'm trying to."

we were walking to jeongyeon's apartment. it was only a 20 minute walk away. 30 minutes, if you were walking at the speed of a turtle like nayeon. 

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