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The assembly machines worked meticulously to piece together the mechanical head of the facility's latest invention. Metal pieces were welded into place, circuits and wires were being carefully and thoughtfully connected wherever it  was required, and the joints of the two bots that it was piecing together were put into place. The arms stayed hard at work until two fully-assembled robots stood idly in the machine, their eyes lighting up as they looked around curiously. 

The two looked to each other as the assembly machine formed itself into a lift of sorts. As it did, a few final touches were made onto the cooperative testing bots. Orange, who was tall and lean, watched in curiosity as the machines finished assembling her. 

Blue, however, was a little more resistant. He had tried jumping away from the machines, with a mechanical chirp, but they were quick to pull him back in and place the finishing touches onto his stumpy, spherical core. 

Orange waved enthusiastically at her testing buddy, seeming excited for what was to come. Blue stared on, slowly waving back. The floor underneath them began to open up, and Blu looked down frantically, trying to balance on the sides of his lift so that he didn't fall through. 

Orange cheered, waving him along in a beckoning manner before pencil-diving down into the tube. Blue, seeing that there was nothing to worry about, took advantage of his shape and cannonballed down after, laughing in his own, robotic way. 

At some point along the way, the floor closed in abruptly and the two robots were stopped from their free-fall, landing hard. They were each trapped now in their own glass tubes, separated from one-another. Studying the two closely from out of sight and out of reach, was GLaDOS, herself. 

"Hello and, again, welcome to the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center." She greeted. The two glanced at each other, then scanned the area cautiously. GLaDOS was watching over them from the safety of her mainframe. Since she had eyes all over the facility, and monitors set up on which to see what her cameras were surveying, she could oversee every function of the facility without ever needed to disconnect. 

She'd had the two robots up and about for a long while, but it was the first time she had ever put them to their intended use: to test. She had low hopes for them, however, and she was doubtful that they would blow her away. GLaDOS knew that it wouldn't be the same without organic human subjects, but she wasn't hoping for more pros; only for less-drastic cons. 

For example: the robots that she created would not kill her, or feed her to birds, or ruin her life. Only a human was capable of that. At least, she was quite sure of that. 

"Today, you will be testing with a partner. Please, wave to your partner." She requested. The two looked at each other, and waved robotically, chittering. GLaDOS took note of how they interacted, and nodded to herself, the yellow eye in her core narrowing. "The upcoming tests require you to work together as a team. Do not disappoint me."

 Once the two were acquainted with the process, she sent them down the chute into the calibration chamber. It was not a test chamber, but more or less, to make sure that they could grasp the idea of using portals, cubes, buttons, and other apparatus, and that they would work well together. She gave them a little bit of time to test out their portal devices, before having them proceed. 

She calibrated each of their weights as they stood on buttons to open doors for each other, and took note that there were no weight variances, so thankfully, they had been assembled evenly, despite their two very different shapes. 

Flaw in My Code (Portal 2)[REWRITE IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now