[Chapter 5: Lunch Break ]

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"Really? They've got the prototype done? That's great! Is there anyone willing to test it out for us?" There was a long moment of silence as Mr. Johnson stared down. "Still no volunteers, huh? Well... Great, thank you." He hung up the phone and set it back down onto its stand. 

"We finally have a way to transfer a man's brain into a robot, and no one wants to volunteer their personality and consciousness to be stored on a disc for the rest of eternity? Isn't that just swell?" He asked, quite clearly upset. 

"Mr. Johnson, have you considered that maybe... No one wants to live forever?" Caroline asked quietly. The man shook his head. "And why wouldn't they?" 

"Sir, your idea seems like it would change the future for the better, but think about it... This could be a very bad idea-" 

"Caroline!" Cave snapped his head in Caroline's direction. "You're lucky I need you here for menial tasks, or you'd be fired on the spot." He muttered. Caroline closed her mouth and stared at the ground. "Now, Caroline, you know I didn't mean that... What would I do without my lovely assistant?" He smiled. 

Caroline did not smile back. In fact, she didn't even look up. "I don't know, Mr. Johnson." She said simply, before showing herself out. 

There were times that she seriously considered quitting her job, but she knew she needed the job. And she loved her job, really. She loved science, and she loved being able to contribute to it in any way she could, but she didn't fancy her position quite as much. She'd also grown accustomed to her co-workers, even if some of them were salad-stealing, petty, drama-starters. 

She lived alone, and didn't have any close family, so really, her job was all she had. The people there were the closest thing to family that she thought she had in her position. They were the only ones who really seemed to care. 

She took a turn down the hallway into the printing room and plopped down at a desk. Susan, her bouncy co-worker, slid over on a rolling chair and nudged Caroline. "Hey, sister! What's the matter with you?" Her dark, curly hair was tied back, and her big smile revealed a rather large gap between her two front teeth. Right under her round-framed glasses, was a beauty mark, that lifted on her face every time she smiled. 

Her brown eyes were warm and inviting, but Caroline knew not to fall for it. Susan had to have been one of the most stuck-up women in the office. 

"Good evening, Susan..." She mumbled softly. "It's... Noon. Carol, are you alright?" Susan asked, tilting her head. Her hair bounced along with her head. 

"I'm great." Caroline smiled softly, masking her underlying frustration. The truth was, she was tired of Cave taking her for granted. The man never let her speak her own mind in his presence, yet he always acted like she was oh, so, important to him. She knew better. She was entirely disposable, really, and Cave could easily just find a new assistant. It led her to wonder why he hadn't done so already. 

"I know that's a big old lie, but I'll take it." Susan said, standing from her seat and strutting over to the printer to retrieve some papers. "I've got to get back to work, doll, but let me know if you need anything!" 

Caroline stood as well, stretching. She walked for the door, but leaned back in to call to Susan. "You can have my salad today!" Afterwards, she walked down the hall and toward the front doors of the establishment. Caroline was sure that going outside for a little while and getting some fresh air would calm her down. 

She stepped out into the parking lot and sighed, going to sit on a bench right outside the building. She hadn't noticed, but already seated there, was Pendleton. He glanced over at her, biting into his sandwich that he'd brought for lunch. "'Ello, Caroline!" He greeted her, his words muffled by the sandwich.

Caroline looked up at him. "Oh, don't speak with food in your mouth." She scolded. "That's rude." He chuckled, swallowing his bite. "Okay, mum." 

Caroline rolled her eyes, smiling gently. "What are you doing out here?" Pendleton rubbed the back of his neck. "Ah, lunch break. I thought I might go on a short walk, too. Clear me head, see the lights in the city." 

Caroline stood up. "Come on then, let's walk. I want to get as far away from this place as I can right now." Pendleton's glasses fell crooked over his nose as he tilted his head, putting the half-eaten sandwich back in his Tupperware box. "Something the matter?"

Caroline simply shook her head. "No. Just want a break from the office, you know?" He nodded, standing up and brushing bread crumbs off of his pants. "Yeah, let me just, uhm... Put this back in the fridge. I'll meet you back out here in a tick."

"So, you live with your little sister?" 

"Oh, yeah," Pendleton began ranting as the two walked along the sidewalk, side-by-side. "I swear, every time I sit down, it's a lecture! I get that she sees me as a freeloader, but I am working, so there shouldn't be an issue!" 

Caroline nodded along, listening to his story. She had found it odd that even though she had known Pendleton for a few years at least, she really didn't know a lot about the guy. 

"I always tell people that I moved here from London, but really, my sister was the one that bought the house and left... I just came with her, you know? Of course, she'll only let me stay with her if I help her pay the bills, and it's pretty clear that she doesn't like my company. But... It's whatever." Pendleton shrugged. 

Caroline rubbed her hands together to keep them warm. The air was changing and Winter was creeping up on them, and she had not dressed accordingly. She stared down for a moment, letting Pendleton's voice fade out as she watched her breath in the cold. 

"It's really the only reason I work for Aperture. I get paid well enough to keep a room in my sister's house. Well, aside from you. This sounds weird, probably... But seeing you almost every day, it keeps me sane, you know? You seem to care when no one else does, and you're always so genuine and kind, and..." 

Caroline looked up, blinking rapidly. She had snapped out of whatever trance she had been in and realized that she hadn't been listening. "Sorry, I spaced out... What was that?"

Pendleton looked down at her, his eyes widening. His face turned pink from embarrassment and he shook his head, before smiling awkwardly. "You want to grab some coffee? You know, uh... Good coffee? On me." 

Caroline chuckled. "Coffee sounds great." Pendleton nodded and his pace sped up slightly as they neared a local café. Caroline skipped ahead to keep up. "What were you saying, though? Really, I missed the whole thing."

"Just... Rambling."


When you give someone a whole, heart-felt speech, and they weren't even listening

I feel you, buddy. F in the chat for Pendleton

Flaw in My Code (Portal 2)[REWRITE IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now