Part 10

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Error POV
  I was just messing with my strings, bored out of my mind while Killer and Dust playfully argued about who has a higher body count.
Ink summoned me. I left and she was in the anti void. She looked kind of disturbed as she played with the strings I'd given her.
"Hi." I said, sitting by her.
"What's wrong?"
She told me about this new burst and some of the things said. She seemed really unsettled by them.
  I tried comforting her by making those noodles she liked. She smiled at me and I got cuddles. Nice. I win.
  I had distracted her for now but, I have a feeling that I'm going to hear just how unsettling this burst is.
  After about thirty minutes of playfully arguing over a board game I was right.
  "A blade could easily cut an eyeball."
  She instantly looked sad and afraid and embarrassed all in one.
  "...I mean... you aren't wrong."
  She hugged me, I hugged her. I know that joke probably made it worse but, she wasn't wrong.
  "Hey, Y'know I'm glad you're speakin your mind."
  She giggled.
  Oh thank the stars that could've gone completely different.
  "I love you."
  "I love you to.."
  She laid down, curled into a ball, and fell asleep. So cute. She is so tiny. I'd be dead if I said she's tiny to her face but I'm safe in my own mind most of the time.
  I put my jacket over her and sort of just watched her for a while.
  She seemed peaceful and happy. And the anti void was so quiet I could hear her light breathing. I thought it was calming. Just consistent and soft breathing.
  I love her so much. I could never say. It around Nightmare or Cross or even Dream or Blue which I feel like I'm going to have to spend a lot of time by now.
  Not to excited about that part but they're Ink's friends and I have to get used to everything in her life.
  I snapped back to reality when I heard ink laughing. I looked over to her. She was crying to. I held her. The burst lasted for an hour. My poor baby is probably in a lot of pain right now. I wish we could stop these.
  "You could kill me." She said when I told her this.
  "What!? No!"
  She shrugged and fully put on my hoodie.
  "Am I getting that back?"
  "If it stops feeling like yours, yeah."
  "I'll make you a spare. We can switch when we need to."
  I laughed. I guess she owns my hoodie now. I picked her up. She smiled at me. I pulled her closely to me like she did with the doll, and laid down.
  "I need to go home."
"No. It's nap time."
  "But I just took one."
  "Shhhhh. Nap time."

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