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Canada tapped his pen on the desk faster than he'd done ever before. Germany and Poland were searching for America, but so far, nothing. No signs of him. And this wasn't good, the FA needed America. America was the most skilled with a weapon, he saved so many, and protected many more.

Canada groaned, hiding his face in his hands. He wondered where Germany and Poland were. They'd been out searching all night, while Canada just had to sit and wait.

Greenland walked into the room, with papers in his hands. He placed them on Canada's desk, backing away slowly once he did so.

Canada read them out loud, "'Sightings of soldiers from the Restoration have been reported within five miles of the Freedom Activists' camps.'," Canada paused, looking up at Greenland, "We can't do anything without America. We need to find him before he try doing anything."

"Sir, we need to move camps as fast as possible," Greenland argued, "We can't wait for America. He could be missing forever, for all we know. He could be de-"

"Don't. Finish. That. Sentence," Canada growled, "America's alive. He's too stubborn to die. Trust me."

"But still," Greenland insisted, "We're putting a hundred and fifty innocent countries at risk because America's not here. What do you think we do? America's not going to just walk into the camp and tell everyone to move camps, is he?"

"He could," Canada murmured, trying to stay positive. He looked up. "I mean, it's possible, okay? We've just gotta hope America isn't.. y'know.."

"Dead," Greenland finished, "And I get it. But has America ever done this kind of stuff? He's only ever gone out. He cares about action, not the stuff in the background. So please, please tell me that we're going to move the camps?"

Canada hesitated, "Can we wait for Germany and Poland to report back first? Because we would be better off with America. And if they haven't found him, then we can move camps tomorrow."

Greenland grinned, "That sounds like a plan. I'll tell Brazil, he's the only adult at the other camp right now."

"You do that then," Canada said, his voice muffled by his hands, "I'm gonna hope Germany and Poland have good news for me."

Greenland nodded, spinning around and leaving the place. He walked into another building and got his walkie-talkie out, changing its channels.

"Brazil," He announced, recieving a hum from the other side, "We're going to move camps tomorrow. Expect a few hundred other countries, alright? Out."

"Sure," Brazil agreed from the other side, "I'll prepare everything. Out."

Greenland smirked, changing the channels on the device again. He looked around, making sure nobody listened.

"Heading to the second camp tomorrow," Greenland muttered, "Using the hidden route. Out."

"How many should we send? Out," A voice from the other side asked. Greenland paused.

"America's not here," Greenland explained, "They're weak. Five will be plenty. Out."

"Thank you for your time," The other responded, "You have been good to the Restoration. Out."

Greenland placed the walkie-talkie on the table in the centre of the room, changing the channels to erase the evidence. He jogged back to Canada's area.

"I've spoken with Brazil," Greenland confirmed, "He's preparing everything right now."

"Thanks," Canada huffed, "Could you get the residents prepared for the move?"

"Yes, sir," Greenland walked out, pausing as he stood in the doorway, "Let's just hope America comes back."

Greenland left, Canada looked up slightly and frowned. He flipped over one of the pieces of paper on his desk, holding his pen upright.

"'Greenland > Suspicious'," Canada wrote, "'Send camp to the waterfall using back way. Do not use secret way'."

Canada looked up. Estonia stood there already. Canada folded the paper and slid it to her. She read it carefully and nodded.

"You can trust me, sir," She whispered, disappearing into the crowd. Canada went back to resting his head on his hands.


He had a traitor in his camp.


It was dusk when Germany and Poland entered Canada's room. Canada flicked his gaze up to them with hope in his eyes.

"We followed the river," Germany exhaled, "The river ended, America's nowhere to be seen. He's not in the river, sir."

Canada jumped up and cheered, "Thank god! He's alive!"

Poland grinned, "Sir, he's still missing. We've yet to find him."

"But he's alive!" Canada exclaimed with joy showing clearly on his face, "He can't have gone far, so we need to search a little but more, right?"

Germany and Poland looked to each other. They both grinned.

"Yeah, we can do that," Poland giggled, happy Canada was this glad, repeating himself, "We can do that."

Canada finally calmed down. Now this. This was good news. No, it was great news.

They just needed to make sure America wasn't eaten by a bear or another predator.

Like Misha.

Not that Canada knew who Misha was, anyway.

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