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America sat beside Russia, gripping onto a fishing rod. They were beside a small stream, waiting for an unfortunate fish to fall victim to their line.

However, it wasn't nearly that dramatic.

"You know there's like," America paused, "An easier way of saying 'it is' and 'there are' every time, right?"

Russia shrugged, leaning back slightly. Neither of them made eye contact with one another.

"You can just as easily say 'It's' or 'They're'," He tried to explain, "I mean like, it sounds more natural too. Try it?"

"So, instead of it is, I need to say it's?" Russia raised an eyebrow, "Honestly, I find it easier to do it my way, yes?"

America rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Yeah, okay, I thought you wanted to learn better English but sure. You do you, pal."

"It would be nice," Russia admitted, "But is it nessesary to shorten everything?"

"If you want to be fluent, yeah," America exclaimed, "Though it's cute how you talk-"

Russia jumped and hit America in the shoulder, he shook slightly.

"I am not cute!" Russia growled, "And I am not interested in you. Got it?"

"Jeez, dude," America held his hands up, the rod rested in his lap, "I meant puppy cute, I'm not flirting. And gee, it sure seems like you're interested in me," America said with sarcasm.

Russia huffed, obviously pissed off. They made eye contact for a split second before breaking it, looking away back down to the stream. They both sat in silence for awhile.

"Funny that you automatically go into denial about you liking me," America muttered, snickering, while Russia turned his head to America to stare him down, "Dude, I mean nothing by it. There's a think called joking, you know that?"

"Yes, I do," Russia murmured, "Kazakhstan played pranks on me all the time."

America's face fell, he decided it'd be best to leave that conversation be.

Time passed slowly. The only sounds were the birds chirping around them, the stream trickled and animals of all kinds sneaking about.

America had barely ever gotten this kind of peacefulness, now that he thought of it - he was always surrounded by his friends or countries he barely knew, he normally ran around to help others... He never got much time to himself. And this was a nice change of scenery, though he knew he needed to go back to his side.

He almost dreaded going back.

"Got one," Russia hummed, jolting back and reeling a decently sized fish up to the surface, "Very nice. You will be saved for dinner. Any smaller fish will be for Misha."

America nodded in acknowledgement. His thought process hadn't been lost, though - it was redirected to Philippines and Martial Law. Poor kids, loosing their father like that. America knew he had to go back there, for them, and for his brother. Canada. He felt bad to not have thought about Canada for the last few days, he wondered if Canada even missed him.

"Are you okay there, Stars?" Russia caught America's attention, diverting it from staring down at the ground, "You do not seem happy."

"I wonder if my brother's okay," America huffed, "And Phil, and Martial, and Germs and Poland..."

"They will be fine," Russia tried to reassure him, "I mean, Canada is leader, yes? And I guess Canada is efficient leader. He seems to care for the countries in FA?"

"Y-yeah," America hesitated, "I guess you're right. I'm probably just overreacting, everyone there is fine. Nothings happening over there. Nothing. It's.. everything's okay."

Russia nodded, "There is no need to worry over something you can not control, or something you were never truly a part of. Yes?"

"Yeah, I guess," America sighed, "T-thanks, Russia."

"Any time," Russia held his head up, "You are guest, after all. And I guess you are also friend, if you ask me."

America smiled at that; he was a friend. That meant something to him - he couldn't put his finger on it, but after what he'd been through, it was nice to hear that he had someone who was there for him.

Everything seemed like it was suspended. Time didn't move for America. To him, it was just him and his thoughts. It was the same to Russia, too - while he wondered, he wrapped the fish he'd caught up with an old cloth after making sure it wasn't alive any longer.

America stretched and lay back on the stones he had sat on, a cloudy sky overhead. He frowned, and sat up again.

"It looks like it's gonna rain soon," America peered at Russia, who had looked up, "What should we do? Should we like.. keep fishing, or..?"

"I thought it would be nice to get small fish for Misha, but that might not happen," Russia shrugged, pulling in his line, "Is fine, though, fish head and leftover can go to Misha."

"We can get one for her tomorrow?" America suggested, Russia nodded, "That is, if it's not raining."

"We collect water while it rains," Russia began to explain, "It has not rained for a week. When it gets to that point, we need to use river for water. But while it rains we collect as much as possible."

"Fair enough," America hummed, reeling his own line in. He stood up and followed Russia away, through the forest and towards the log cabin. Ukraine and Belarus already sat beside one another on the deck, having a conversation.

"Hey Russia," Ukraine looked up to him, then looked to America, "America. Did you two catch anything?"

"One fish," Russia held up a single finger, "But I see you were not as successful as us, so do not even try laughing at me or America."

Ukraine scoffed and trudged into the log cabin, leaving the other three there. Belarus looked to the door of the cabin then back at Russia and sighed, hesitantly following Ukraine in. 

"Is she always like this?" America asked, "Or is it just because I'm here?"

"She is jealous that you are the guest, yes," Russia confirmed, "I think she would have preferred if Canada were here instead of you."

"Fair enough," America sighed, "Canada's always been people's favourite. Not really me, for the most part."

Russia patted America on the back as they sat on the deck, "You know, I think going hunting with Ukraine tomorrow will improve bond. She is interesting when you get to know her, yes."

"Well, I guess I'm doing that then," America smiled, "And you'll just be fishing?"

"No," Russia simply shook his head, "I have project. I am making bird feeders. The birds you get around here are wonderful."

"Okay," America nodded, "I'll help you out day after tomorrow then?"

"You can count on it, Stars," Russia chuckled.

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