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America stood there awkwardly, Canada was squeezing the life out of him. He'd held the embrace for longer than America could bother to think, but America didn't have the audacity to tell Canada that it hurt.

"Leaf face," Russia tapped Canada on the head, standing behind America, "He has broken rib, you know. Give him space."

Canada hastily pulled away, with a sorry expression across his face. He stared down at the floor, opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish - he needed to say the right things; after all, Russia still stood behind America, with a shotgun in hand.

"Were you just here the whole time?" Canada asked, his gaze meeting America's. America frowned, shrugging.

"I mean," America hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck, "I can't really go anywhere else, because I broke some bones and fell out of a tree yesterday... I don't think I've been in any condition to get myself lost out in the woods."

Canada nodded, understanding. Canada always understood. Whether America had severely messed up or he'd be much quieter than usual, Canada understood. When America got angry at him, Canada understood. If America failed to get something for Canada's birthday, he understood.

America turned to Russia, who'd just dropped the gun. He had a wide smirk across his face, watching something emerge from the forest.

"Misha is back!" He exclaimed, leaving America's side and pushing past Ukraine and Canada to go and give his attention to the bear. Russia skidded to a halt and dropped onto his knees in front of Misha, pulling her into a hug. A 'bear hug'. It was a stupid play on words, but it caught on.

"The deeper you go into the forest the weirder things get," Canada muttered under his breath, his mind racing - why did Russia have a bear? Where did it come from? It probably smelt like bad fish, why was he hugging it?

Ukraine placed a hand on Canada's shoulder, shaking her head. Canada turned to her.

"Don't worry about it," Ukraine huffed, "Russia's weird. When America first woke up, he claimed that he stalked him. Lies. He's just showing off."

Canada chuckled, leaning one of his elbows on Ukraine's shoulder. She wasn't fazed, still more interested by what was happening with everyone else.

"You've caused me infinite panic and hours of lost sleep," Canada prodded America in the chest, "I hope you're proud of yourself."

America rolled his eyes, and turned his head in Russia's direction. He watched Russia scratch and play with Misha, screaming that he was having fun. He was enjoying his time with the bear.

"You seem more interested in him than having a conversation with me," Canada winked, a sly smile apparent. America felt a bit of blood rush to his face, shaking his head.

"Shut up," America mumbled, crossing his arms. He only proved Canada's point further by directing his gaze to Russia again.

Soon enough, Misha walked back into the forest. She was still a wild animal, after all. Russia stood up, dusting his clothes off, watching her go. He slowly, hesitantly, made his way back to the group, standing beside both Canada and America. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"So what is happening here?" Russia asked, raising a single brow. Canada clapped.

"Actually, I need to get America back now, thanks," Canada looked at Russia with a passive expression, "He needs to get back to leading his side."

Russia shook his head, "Is not his side, though. You are leader."

Canada glared at America, telepathically screaming at him. America backed down, taking a step back.

"Yeah," Canada trailed off, "It's his side, alright. He just left all of the 'boring' stuff to me. America's the leader of the Freedom Activists."

Russia's heart skipped a beat, shakily turning to America, who was already backing away from the group.

"You.." Russia paused, "You lied to me?"

"I-I knew that if I said any differently you'd want me out of here-"

"And I do," Russia growled, lifting his head up. He snarled at America.

America had wide eyes, staring at Russia with shock. He shut himself up, hugging himself, and looked to Canada for help. There wasn't any kind of empathy in Canada at that moment, though - for the first time, Canada slowly shook his head, disappointed. America took his glasses off, hoping he was imagining it all.

"You're.. you're not joking?" America tried a smile, but failed. Russia crossed his arms, his snarl still evident. America choked back a sob, biting his lip.

"America, just come back," Canada held out his hand. America paused, before he shook his head. Canada flinched as America dropped his glasses, his whole body shook violently.

"What's the point in being somewhere I don't wanna be?" America shook, spinning around and breaking into a charge, into the woods. Canada picked America's glasses up before he tried to run after him, but lost America before he could even have a chance. Canada collapsed onto the ground.

"I'm stupid," Canada curled up into a ball, "I'm so, so stupid."

Ukraine went to comfort Canada, as Russia just stood in his spot, frozen. He went over and continued to process everything he'd just learnt.

America was the leader of the FA. He'd proved what Russia thought the leader would be like wrong. America was an absolute moron, sure, but he was fun to be around. He was exciting, he was full of energy, he was considerate, and he cared. He cared for Russia.

Belarus stood beside the house, watching Ukraine and Canada in confusion, then turned to Russia. She started over to him, neutral.

"What happened here?" Belarus asked, flicking her gaze to Ukraine and Canada every so often. Russia sighed lightly.

"America is leader of Freedom Activists," Russia said sorrowfully. He looked to Belarus to see her reaction, but there was none. Instead, she hit Russia in the forehead, her hands on her hips. Russia winced, rubbing the spot Belarus just slapped.

"So?" She held her hands out, waiting for the rest of the story.

"So what?" Russia tilted his head, "That is all."

"So, let me get this straight," She groaned, squeezing her eyes shut and pinching the bridge of her nose, "You're cross at America for his title. Literally nothing else."

"He is lea-"

"I know, you doof," Belarus interrupted, "And that's it? It's nothing to do with his personality, or something he said?"

Russia hesitantly shook his head. 

"You absolute donkey," She grabbed Russias wrist, trying her best to drag him to where Canada and Ukraine were. She nudged them both with her foot. "You all are going to go and find him, and apologise. He's a good person, and he was happy until you guys showed up. You've got to do some apologising."

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