Chapter 𝐈

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Our Story takes place in September.

The Dahley family consisted of 4 Members, Elizabeth Dahley, Atticus Dahley, Ermengarde Dahley, And Felicity Dahley.

"ERMENGARDE STOP PULLING ON MY HAIR!! MOTHER!"  Felicity, the oldest of the two daughters screamed on the early morning of that September day. Felicity was 12 while Ermengarde or "E" was 8. The oldest would be starting her second year of Hogwarts.

"E, let go of your sister please." The tired Elizabeth called up to the room her children were in. Elizabeth Dahley née Albrecht married Atticus Dahley 12 months after they graduated from Hogwarts. Atticus who worked for the Ministry Of Magic as an Auror was not there due to being called off to the Ministry early that morning much to Elizabeth's demise. Elizabeth was a stay-at-home-mother for the 2 growing girls.

Much screaming, yelling, and laughing was heard upstairs of the tiny house before Felicity brought her trunk down. Clunk, Clunk, Clunk,  the trunk sounded as it fell down the old creaky wooden stairs. Behind Felicity came the very stubborn Ermengarde. "I'm ready to go back to Hogwarts!" Felicity yelled. "Alright then, we should go now," Elizabeth said as she and her children floo powered to King's Cross Station

Once they arrived many muggles stood before them either saying goodbye to friends, family, or even lovers. The small family went through Platform 9 3/4 where the magnificent Hogwarts Express stood. Just like before, wizard and muggles saying goodbye to their children as they're off to start another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. With sorrowful goodbyes, the Dahley family said goodbye to the oldest Daughter off to Hogwarts once again after what seemed to be a very short summer. "Mommy, when will I be able to go?" Said the youngest daughter as she watched her sister board the train. "Soon my love, soon." Elizabeth said down to her youngest daughter as they waved goodbye to the train.

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