Chapter 𝐗𝐕

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Before I start the chapter I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 8K READS! I honestly never thought I would make it this far and I'm so grateful

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Before I start the chapter I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 8K READS! I honestly never thought I would make it this far and I'm so grateful. I'm also hoping I will finish the book very soon which is exciting, that's all, Enjoy!

Flashbacks in Italics

It was stupid, absolutely stupid.

Doing work from home had its perks for sure. But Ermengarde couldn't even believe going back into the Ministry Of Magic building after what happened. Sure, it was weeks ago but Ermengarde couldn't help to trail back to the moment where Theseus had kissed her. Whenever she thinks about she can't help but kick herself in the shin. She was in kind of a trance and if Theseus hadn't done what he did her sister could discover her which would be terrible in many ways. Felicity had her way with everything as she had always done in school.

"Em isn't that your sister?" Ermengarde's friend spoke, it was around lunchtime and the great hall was crowded, "What is she doing with a bunch of Slytherins?"  Another Ravenclaw muttered, Felicity had a lot to keep up, a good reputation, perfect grades, she had even made head girl. But there she was her blue and bronze uniform clashing with the green and silver as she sat between two Slytherin boys, It was quite the scene. "That's unfortunate, I really liked your sister." a 6th year Ravenclaw spoke from down the table "Shut your bloody mouth, Davies." A Ravenclaw girl sitting next to Ermengarde hissed at the 6th year who turned away quickly. "He's such a prat, always in somebody else's business,"  the rest of the little group of Ravenclaw girls giggled but Ermengarde kept her eyes on her.

"Who were you talking to?" Ermengarde caught up with her older sister in the busy hallway as everyone was running off to their afternoon classes. "That's none of your business Ermengarde," She said sternly still making her way down the hallway "But you never tell me anything-" Ermengarde whined "Enough!" the brown-haired girl turned around to face her, the two both stopping in the middle of the crowded hallway as students brushed passed them. "Why are you so worried about what I'm doing? Don't you have a life?" Felicity said "You're always sticking your nose into other people's situations when you don't need to." the 7th year Ravenclaw spoke. "Now go to class," Felicity spun on her heel and continued with the wave of students.

Maybe her sister was right, she always stuck her nose into situations when she didn't need to.

A knock on the door brought the young woman out of her trance. "Coming!" she yelled getting up from her seat at the dining table and wrapping her robe around her small frame as she walked to the door. "Scamander," she said, a hand still on the door as heat rose to her cheeks that could easily be played of as cold, but she was quite underdressed.  "Why are you here?" she asked after the awkward moment of silence. "I came to apologize." He breathed out and Ermengarde moved slightly away from the door so he could come in. "Tea?" the blonde asked as she shut the door "No thank you," he replied, Ermengarde sat at the chair across from the man as he said his apology for kissing her out of nowhere, Ermengarde was stubborn and didn't want to admit it but she quite liked him even though he got on her nerves most of the time. "We have new news on Grindelwald, we think he might be calling a meeting soon, He has been gathering followers throughout the past month and I would like you to come along, we figured you would be a good member to have considering the fact your sister might be a follower," "We?" Ermengarde said after he finished, "Well yes, I had a talk with the department and they agreed to let you come along." He finished leaning back in the seat as if he had gotten something big off his shoulders, "Count me in."

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 / 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐓.𝐒Where stories live. Discover now