Chapter 11 : You thought

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So I didn't see that coming. You wouldn't even believe me if I told you that Ms. Manoban is the devil incarnate, well a sexy devil especially when her arms were flexing every time she put pressure on her pen. But that's not the point I want to come to. So the beginning of the week, it was fine. I kept flirting with her every time I had the chance and she seemed to enjoy it because she didn't mind at all. Our little staring games and the oops-I'm-sorry-I-touched-you continued in class. 

Yesterday, we had a surprise test. Until then, nothing unusual. It was common for us to have tests during the year to be able to determine our level and if we were already having difficulties. If I thought Mrs. Choi was a bitch to set traps for us in her tests, I hadn't seen Ms. Manoban yet. Since I had others classes after, I hadn't had time to talk with my friends to compare our answers and see if we were on the right track. It was only at night that I realized while talking on Skype with Yeeun that my test was totally different from hers. Thinking at first that there were two different modelfs of tests to prevent any kind of cheating, I phoned the rest of the group. 

Conclusion, the whole group had the same questions except for me.

Of course I was going to take it the wrong way. I was furious because I thought it was simply unfair. How she had the right to give me something more difficult than others. If she didn't have that pretty face with her delicious lips that invited me to suck them every time my eyes settled on them, I would have given her a good slap, even if I think it's a shame to ruin her face. 

That's why I was standing in front of the room where we had our main classes. The institution's objective was to make students happy knowing the pressure they faced throughout their journeys. Everything was therefore painted white, a minimalist architecture with its modern furniture. The interior was better than in some of the apartments, which were still poorly decorated.

I was typing pissed off on my phone. My friends asked me to calm down, but how could I be? It was easy to say it when it didn't happen to them. I should be enjoying my lunch time with them right now but I just wasn't in the mood. I was all the more annoyed since the test was included in the report and if I started my last academic year with a failure, I had less and less chance of graduating at the end of the year.

I could say hi to China.

Footsteps were being heard behind me. I didn't need to turn around, I knew the sound of her shoes sounding on the ground. Soon, her scent followed. Sleeping with her once, I was able to recognize her body odor. It was a rather masculine and virile fragrance, but with a touch of fresh laundry. 

"What are you doing here so early, Miss Kim? Shouldn't you be eating and chatting with your friends?" she asked without looking at me. She put the key in the lock before she walked into the classroom.

"How could you give me a different test than the others?! Do you know it's against university regulations? You can be fired for this kind of thing!" I slammed my hands on her desk under her incredulous look. She hadn't moved a muscle showing me that she was scared. She was even more relaxed than she usually was. She took off her black coat from which no dust was found and rolled up her sleeves as she always did. At that moment, I hated her for doing that because seeing her arms was my weakness.

She imitated my position by placing both her hands on the table. She leaned a little so that our faces were close. Her eyes were particularly fascinating, if I wasn't so upset I would have gladly let myself get lost in it.

"First of all, I know the school regulations perfectly well. In fact, I know it better than you do. Secondly, you benefit from private tutoring that others haven't had, unlike you. And lastly, how dare you hit my desk and yell at me saying I could be fired," her harsh tone was turning me on and I wasn't ashamed to admit it. 

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