Chapter 30 : Jealousy is bad

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Missing one's life was one thing, but being mistaken for an invisible being was another level of aberration. 

I was actually standing next to Jennie walking her to her car to drop off her things when a young man called out to us. I was surprised that he knew Jennie since I had never seen him around. He was wearing a denim jacket that matched the rest of the outfit. His black, wind-blown hair made him look young. Tidy and clean from head to toe, I won't lie that I didn't like his presence at that moment. Something told me I wasn't going to like his bond with Jennie.

I was right. 

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets when I heard the word break up. Jennie never really told me about her previous relationships, but it's not as if we talked much about that. Maybe we both felt that talking about her past was a waste of time and that we were mostly unlabeled. In any case, it was not something we wanted to address because, deep down, we both know the answer, it was not easy of course.

"So what do you say?" he hadn't moved a muscle since. He was rocking on his feet trying to shake off this shyness. Maybe that's why he hadn't noticed my presence all along.

"Excuse me," he raised his head as if he'd just heard a ghost.

"I'm sorry Professor! I didn't see you were there, forgive me," he bent down quickly to apologize. From the sound of his voice, I could feel that he really didn't mean it to ignore me. However, I was surprised that he knew I was a professor. My first day here was quite complicated because my colleagues who didn't know me yet all thought I was a student at the university.

"That's it, Mr. Are you new here? How do you know I'm a professor?"

"Yes professor. I've been here over a week. How could I not know you? The whole campus talks about you every day, especially the girls," he said, teasing me and I could see Jennie Kim rolling her eyes in the corner of my eye.

"Of course, I can hardly go unnoticed," I grinned and glanced at Jennie, "What department are you in?"

"In cinematography! It must be said that the activities offered at the university are beyond my expectations. I hope to have my master's degree in a few years because I have some projects that I would like to complete as soon as possible," he proudly explained. I don't know if he was really passionate about telling it or if he just wanted to impress his ex. To tell the truth, I was surprised that Kim could date a nerd.

"All right Professor, you've asked him enough questions as it is. If you continue like this, you might think you're my dad, who's very protective," she smirked, aware of the perverted innuendo she'd been trying to put across that her ex didn't seem to be following.

"You two seem so close, it's nice to have professors like you," I never thought there were guys this innocent anymore, but today he proved me wrong. I was holding back from laughing and imagining his face if he'd caught us in the locker room earlier, "So Jennie? Will you go with me?"

"Jinyoung, I have to-"


I turned around abruptly behind me as Suzy and a few other colleagues walked out of the building. The meeting had taken longer than expected as I was supposed to attend as well except that it was during my class hours and I couldn't afford to cancel my lessons. The meeting consisted of activities outside the university such as a language trip to meet in contact with a different culture. It's a project that I discussed with Jisoo and Rosé at the beginning of the year and when Suzy proposed the idea last week, I thought that maybe we could try to submit the project to the management. 

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