Chapter 33 : The peaceful land

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At graduation, if I am not awarded the prize for the fastest professor organizing quality trips, I will think about writing a letter explaining all the work done, all for my students. These last few days, I could not sleep a wink because my mind was too preoccupied with the trip and the admnistrative questions that my students or the management were asking me. My office at my place was covered with papers that if I left a window open, everything would fly away. 

But I came through and didn't let work drown me.

The conference was held two weeks ago and in that short period of time I managed to set up the trip as well as book the group plane tickets at the last minute. I'll save you the hassle of the tourist attractions on site. I would have liked to have a few days in place to organize except that the end of the year was coming up and it was now or never.

Anyway, it was not the time to rest because the stewardess behind the counter, looking slightly asleep, was asking me a lot of questions that I would have liked to be spared. Honestly, if I had known it would take so much effort, I'm not sure I would still be up for this trip. 

"So you are three instructors for three classes of about 15 students and the destination is Kyoto. You are staying there for 3 days and 2 nights, is that correct?" the young woman asked at the same time that she checked the passports. Another person was standing next to her, a man in his thirties with gray hair and a beard that didn't match at all. He loaded the luggage onto the carousel, always murmuring phrases like they took rocks with them or what?


The stewardess gave me the instructions, what time we were to board and where we were to go. Rosé and Jisoo were talking to some students, most of them didn't have them as teachers since it was a different department. I turned my head to my left to spot Jennie with her group of friends lining up at Starbucks. 

I had to thank the weather today, which was particularly cold, for making it possible for Jennie Kim to wear a baggy and not one of those miniskirts that revealed everything underneath. She had opted for an ultra-comfortable outfit even though the flight didn't last long. Her baggy was so wide and long that it hid her little pairs of white sneakers that only protruded beyond the tip. Her black hooded sweater didn't help at all since it camouflaged her entire body.

Small creature. 

"Here are the passports and airplane tickets," she placed the high stack on the counter that it could fall down at any moment. 

I called all the students to gather around me while I handed out the passports by name. I was so busy and couldn't hear because of the noise in the airport especially with their announcements every minute warning of boarding or flight delays. Jisoo was hopping on her short legs behind the students waving at me towards the entrance we passed by. I was confused for a few moments before I followed the pointing direction to find only Suzy and three students, one of whom looked really familiar. They walked up to us and pulled the luggage behind them. When they were standing less than six feet away, I recognized the guy's face. 

Jennie's ex. 

What the hell was he doing here? 

"Hi Lisa!" 

"Suzy? What are you doing here?" I hope I didn't offend her but I was quite surprised to see her since I hadn't received any information about her presence. The three people in charge of supervision were Rosé, Jisoo and me.

"You didn't think I'd pass up the opportunity to visit Kyoto when I was part of the reason your project see the light," she teasingly said. 

"Okay but what about those three students?" I motioned to the two guys and a girl standing shyly behind her. I'm sure the tone of my voice didn't sound welcoming this time, but I don't think I liked the presence of her ex for any reason. 

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