Chapter 16 : An unexpected arrival

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The weather was cloudy, the birds were flying towards the other half of the city, announcing the arrival of rain. Added to my Monday morning mood, the result was that I was lazy to get up early and go to class only this time, I couldn't allow myself to miss a day because my dear parents were still at home. It was expected that there would be a few days left since the last time, but they had the opportunity to extend their stay. Good news, they were finally leaving tomorrow. My parents would certainly be delighted to hear how happy their only daughter is about their departure.

When I think of the family activities we had spent those few days, I just wanted to throw myself off a two-meter high bridge. In any case, I won't go into detail about listing them if I didn't want to be in a worse mood.

"You look awful today. What happened?" Sana asked me, observing me since I arrived this morning, dropping my books on the table, which almost made her macchiato spill. We walked next to each other in the corridors where we would stop a few times to talk with other students. We were heading to our next class. I sighed again knowing that I was going to get my head stuffed once again with the penal code for two hours.

"It's far too long to explain, but I hope Ms. Manoban's class will boost me because I'm this close to committing a murder," the closer we got to the local, the more my feet dragged. I realized that I could still skip this class and stay in a corner on campus.

Sana placed her arm around mine, pulling me towards the local. She probably figured out what I was thinking, "Yes, you better be in great shape since we've already lost Daewhi, Soojin and Yeeun. There's no way I'm going to class alone," we sit in the back of the room in case I take a nap, the professor won't see me. Not that I was afraid of him, but I didn't want to wake up to listen to his remark.

"Daewhi is the only one who deserves to be in this state. He should not have taken his shots the day before," knowing him, I was sure he did it because he had been challenged or he wanted to impress a guy.

"Totally. He still claims to be the king of booze when he falls asleep after two drinks. Soojin has her period and her stomach pains are unbearable, poor of her," Sana took out her pens of all colors lining them up on the table as if she was about to take a drawing class.

"What about Yeeun? She didn't look so sick on the phone,"

"I think she's seeing someone and she doesn't want to tell us yet," she simply stated. 

"What? Wait, seriously? Why would she keep it from us?" I was a little hurt assuming that Yeeun would hide from us that she was dating someone. We are a family and we told each other everything, especially when it was about relationships. If she loved that guy, we weren't going to tell her anything unless he was really a bad person, like a murder. 

"I don't know, but she probably has reasons if that's the case. Let's not rush it and wait for her to tell us on her own,"

I was about to say something when our professor walked into the room. Everyone kept quiet while he set up his laptop and connected it to the interactive whiteboard. I felt like it was going to be the longest two hours of my life. 


Mija, one of the secretaries of the department was standing in front of the literature room. We usually only saw her outside her office a few times a year. If you needed her, it was up to you to go to her office, which always had a line in front of it. 

"Ms. Manoban is on sick leave. She asked me that you do a research on one of the paintings seen during your visit for the end of the week. Regarding your schedule for today, your history and letters class starts in 5 minutes in building C, so you finish your day earlier," she folded her sheet before putting it in her pants and made her way through the group of students. Her pants were so long that it hid her feet and served as a broom as she dragged all the dust with her on the way.

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