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1 year later


I missed the heat of the country tingling on my tanned skin. It had been more than a year since I had encountered this natural landscape that I had always known was my true home. The plants in the garden grew gracefully leaving me surrounded by green vegetation. The place was so serene that the small animals decided to visit us from time to time. They felt safe and so did we.

I finished composting in the back of the house. Proud of the result, I decided to take a picture and send it to my mother and my two best friends. I was expecting compliments from them as I had a green thumb. I instantly got an answer from my mother who was at Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport with her new companion, Sébastien. She said she couldn't wait to see me again, especially Jennie. I'll spare you the how of this merging bond between her and my mother. Let's just say they were both so stubborn that they ended up teaming up against me.


In one year, so much has happened. The memory of the day of Jennie's graduation was still fresh in my mind yet it had been more than a year since then. A lot has changed and I'm not going to complain about it. First, Jennie was offered a job offer from her father. It was the most crucial decision in our relationship. As soon as we started dating publicly, the question of time had become an issue. If she wanted to follow in her parents' footsteps, traveling every three days to a faraway country without my being able to follow her, our relationship would eventually break up. But neither of us were willing to sacrifice that love. Even though I told her all the time that her future was more important, she reassured me that she would not make that choice, especially since she was not really interested in her parents' work and if she accepted, it was more for traveling than anything else.

So she decided to specialize in an organization that helps young people who are struggling with their studies or who feel lost. No one thought she'd be into it, and that's what I liked about her. She was unpredictable when people didn't take her seriously.

And what about me?

I simply quit my job. I wasn't ready to face a second year at that university, and that news had pleased Jennie because she told me what she would do if a student like her tried to hit on me and I fell under her spell. Even I told her there was no two Jennie like her, she wasn't totally convinced.

So here I am in this charming house that I had bought several years ago and where I spent my last Christmas holidays. Yes, that time Jennie magically appeared on the plane. 

I was happy to be able to settle permanently in this paradise. The greatest satisfaction was the moment I sold the apartment. Especially when I put my stuff in boxes and the place was completely empty. While Jennie left her apartment to her parents who came back to Seoul a few times. With their agreement, she was able to move in with me even though we were only engaged. They would have preferred that we were married and stable before living together, but we were sure of our choice. Sometimes things couldn't be explained, sometimes time was not necessary because when it was the right one, it was the right one.

It was of course a big step for Jennie to leave her country. Moving to an unknown land was difficult, but she adapted. Thanks to Tong' family, she quickly became familiar with the culture and the locals. The organization she was working for had locations all over the world and she found one in my city. I, of course, kept on teaching even though I left my job in Seoul. I now find myself in a school in the village where the majority of the children came from poor families.

There were not many of them, which facilitated learning, and the team that supervised the institution was like a second family. I found my little pleasure in it, this pressure was non-existent. I felt really good.

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