Chapter 20 : The adventure goes on

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If one day I was going to be told that I would wake up at 5 a.m. during the holidays, I think I would laugh hard in that person's face. But here I was at the market half-awake, I couldn't even tell if the sun had risen or not because it was still dark but the market was already crowded. Unlike me, Lisa seemed to be in great shape and in a good mood. I think it was the only thing that jumped out at me when I woke up.

"Lisa... I didn't even have breakfast..." I complained, tugging at her shirt while she kept walking as if I didn't exist. Instead, she looked at the vegetables that were spread out on the table and asked the merchants for the price.

I pouted seeing she wasn't giving a fuck to me and I was mega-sensitive early in the morning. Either I would end up crying or I would go back to bed except I didn't want to make a scene in front of these people and I couldn't go back to our place. So I went and sat down, dragging my feet on the floor and head down to the bench where some rubbish was lying around.

"Fine, stay with your weird vegetables while I would starve to death," I mumbled still looking down at my bare feet since I was wearing sandals. Good thing it wasn't warm and the place where I was sitting was pretty quiet.

I was sitting there playing with my bracelets when a hand extended towards me holding a bag that gave off a good smell that instantly made my stomach growl. I raised my head wanting to see who my savior was and saw Lisa with the same expression on her face as when she was teaching. 

Where had her fucking joie de vivre gone?

"I bought a variety of things, something to suit every taste. While you eat, I'll go and get us some coffee," seeing that I wasn't moving, she took my hand forcing me to take the bag before she turned around and headed for a mini van that made hand-filtered coffee. Despite her cold tone, I found it cute for feeding me. 

After enjoying my breakfast, I ended up with an exotic fruit that would definitely become my favorite. I felt full of energy and wasted no time passing between the counters admiring the fruits and vegetables, clothes and crafts. I couldn't help but make a few purchases even though it wasn't a compulsive purchase, but I knew that I would later regret not having brought some souvenirs back with me.

A young man wearing a white T-shirt with a spoon in his hand caught my attention. He was shouting for people to come to him and it was working as there were several people standing around him. Being curious about what he was doing, I approached the metal table to find a huge pot built into it. There was a kind of paste of golden color, close to that of honey. He stirred the wooden stick with great force because the paste seemed to solidify. A paper written in English was stuck on the wooden column that supported the market shelter. So I learned that it was palm sugar that was shaped into little balls and eaten as a dessert.

"Who wants to try? It's free everyone!" he was the first person to speak proper English since I arrived in the city. Knowing my adventurous side, I wanted to raise my hand to volunteer but I wasn't alone, maybe Lisa had things to do instead of watching me making Thai desserts.

"Go try if you feel like it, I'll hold your bags," I was surprised I had to turn my head to make sure it was Lisa talking to me.

"You sure?" she nodded and I gave her my bags. I made my way through the crowd all excited as I raised my hand.

"Sir! I want to try it!" 

I don't think I've ever learned so much in a few minutes. Farming palm sugar was very interesting, but knowing how long it all took made it all the more incredible. I tried to mix the dough in the pot but stopped immediately seeing that I was going to break both my arms if I kept forcing it. I could see Lisa enjoying while I took the dough in my hand to form balls and place them in a tray. She took a few pictures of me posing as a model which caused her head to shake her head but she ended up smiling. The same smile she had yesterday while I was teaching the children to make pancakes. Her smile was going to be the best thing to see as well.

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